( LONGLAC CENTURY CLUB (Membership restricted to units having not less than 100 safe days without an on-duty disabling lost-time accident.) In Case of Ties Largest Units are Listed First" UMM TO rs Eee ea cc ny ae ok Unit SAFE DAYS 1, Administration Office ae. 2. Hotel 622 3. Tedhnical Department 622 he. Warehouse 622 5. Bleachery 622 6. Engineering Office 622 7.. Electrical 622 8. Hospital 622 9. Steam & Recovery 589 10. Digest, Br. Stock & dasuens LL8 1. Woodyarda L19 12. Building & Grounds 349 13. Machine Room 216 14. Structural a5 15. Mechanical 103 IN THE DOG HOUSE (Reserved for units with less than 100 safe days) 1.. Kiln, Caustic & Evaps. 70 2.. Jackladder 57 3. Woodroom LL 4. Pipefitters 30 5. Service Operations 27 - =O-0-0 A very sincere. thank-u to all the nurses of Terrace Bay Hospital, to "Dr. Ridge" and to tDr. Mike and to all of those people who visited Bryan. We more than appreciate your kindness to our son, A CARD OF THANKS Helen & Ted Mctnnes. 0-0-0 CUB NEWS The regular Cub meeting will be held in the Armouries at 630 p.m, on Friday, July 28th. As this may be the last meeting for a month or so, all cubs are urged to attend, 0-0-0 TERRACE BAY NEWS, published weekly at Terrace Bay, Ontario, is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the Longlac Pulp and Paper Company Limited project of Kim- perly Clark Corporation, Kindly submit all articles and address all communications to: O- Re Dalzell ae 4 HOW CAN I HELP THE OTHER GUY TO WORK SAFELY Here's How The "other guy" is any fellow worker or other person who may follow you or use the same tools, equipment, or material that you do, First of all, we want to help you to be a safer worker, Next, and just about as important, we want you to help this other ~:. guy to be safe, We cantt be selfish or buck-passers about safetye It isntt a one-man job, We cantt say "I'll take care of myself - but let the other guy take care of himself." Your management - your foreman - your safety committee - and others are all eager and willing to help, but they can't be everywhere all the time, Our safety record depends on the co-operation of everybody. You may be an experienced safe worker, The next fellow may not know half as many answers as you. Why not be a good neighbour and help him to keep out of the hospital? Itts just good sportsmanship to help the other fellow take care of himself, Don't be afraid that you will be misundere stood or considered a 'wise guy' if you offer advice. Do so ina Sincere, coopera= tive way, and your interest will usually be appreciated, ----At-least try. The real slogan behind every success~ ful safety program is "One for All and All for One." That's the spirit we want here. So give the other guy a friendly safety tip whenever you can, Here are somes of the ways in which you can help him: 1. Explain and demonstrate the safe method of using hand tools and other equip- ment. 2. Explain machine guards, how to use them and the protection they give. 3..Explain how to operate machines safely, and emphasize the need for promptly reporting defects of any kind to the foreman. 4. Report promptly any hazard you may observe. '5, Encourage everyone to. report for first aid at once following every injury, no matter how slight. 6, Encourage the proper wearing of all personal protective devices. Reprinted from National Safety Council News Letter.