Page 4 LONGLAC CENTURY CLUB (Membership restricted to units having not less than 100 safe days without an on-duty disabling lost-time accident.) In Case of Ties, Largest Units are Listod First, Unit Safe Days 1. Administration Office 601 2. Hotel 601 3. Technical Department 601 h. 'darchouse 601 5. Bleachery 601 6. Electrical 601 7. Engincering office 601 Unit Safe Days 8, Hospital Ol 9. Steam & Recovery 568 10. Digest., Br. Stock & Screens 427 11. Woodyard 398 12, Building & Grounds . 328 13, Machine Room 195 14. Structural 124 IN THE DOG HOUSE (Reserved for units with less than 100 safe days) 1. Mechanical -82 2. Kiln, Caustic & Evaps, -49 3. Jackladder ~36 4. tWoodroom -20 5. Pipefitters le 6. Service Operations - 6 0-0-0 LEGION LOG (conttd from P,3) ~ The next regular meeting will be held on July 10th, at 7:45 p.em., so pass the word along, as this promises to be a very interesting session, o-0-0 Now thet we have been favoured with a break in the weather the swimming pool over at the Hydro Dam should prove to be a popular spot. A lifeguard will be on duty at the following hours: Monday through Saturday - 10 a.m,-12 noon 2 Dellieed DeMs 6 pem.-8 pom. S'TIMMING Sundays only: a Detig =. 5 Dist, 6 pom. - 8 p.m. Anyone intending to make use of these swimming facilities are asked to please observe the above hours in the interests of Safety. 0-0-0 FOR SALE 1949 24 H.P. Johnson Outboard motor. Like new. Also one boy's bicycle. Apply G. Page, House #93. CUB & SCOUT NEWS 'The next regular meeting will be held on Friday, July 7th, in the Armouries, Cubs going to camp are reminded that their camping fees should be paid not later than Friday night, Also, that their comp gear should bo deli- vered to the Amouries from 6:30 to 8:30 on Saturday night in order that the Leaders will have a chance to check it, The usual monthly Church Parade will be held on Sunday, July 9th. Please meet rt the Armouries at 9:45 am, Scout camp opened on Sunday, July 2nd, and will break on July 9th, Cub camp will then be held from July 9th till the 13th, A Campfire and Sing-Song will be held at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 9th, and all parents of the Scouts and Cubs are cordially invited to attend this event at White Sand Lake. Anyone having transporta- tion available on Sunday morning to take the Cubs out to Camp are asked to please contact Gordie Rowlandson, o-0---0 Terrace Bay News, published weekly at Terrace Bay, Ontario is devoted to the interests of cveryone connected with the LongLac Pulp and Paper Company Limited project of Kimberly- Clark Corporation, Kindly submit all articles and address al1 communicaztions to O. ReDalzell