~f & SERIOUS SET-BACK Page 3 Based on National Safcty Council Stan-. dards, we had experienced only 3 disabling injuries during the first 5 months of 1950 when our statistics wero compiled carly in June, Sinee thon, the number has risen by 5, bringing the total for tho first half of 1950 to 8 for a frequoncy rate of 12. 50. Quite frankly, this constitutes a serious set-back to our accidont prevention efforts despite the nature of the injurics involved. In fairness to all who have been working hard at accident provention in Terrace Bay (and that includes just about everybody) it should be noted tmt from time to time industrial mishaps occur of a "freakish" nature which must be recorded as disabling injuries according to the books, and during the past month wc have had more than our share of such incidents, A Jackladder employec is confined to the hospital with what appoars to be a _rheumatie condition and after more than a weck of hospitalization a back injury is discovered which is thon traced back to an on-the-job incident which oecurrod a couple of weeks before. & Woodroom employee spends a couple of days in the hospital with a low back strain traced back to en on-the-job incident. f eouple of days after a pipe- fitterts helper slightly bumped an clbow, a serious infection devcloped resulting in hospitalization. fA switchman on our own railrcead spur lines suffered a broken right arm between the elbow and shoulder as he reached for e hand grab on an empty chlorine car. (Probably one far the medical books.) Despite the nature of these inju- ries, however, resulting ina not too favou- rable pieturo, we have shown an improvoment over last year's experionce but that is to be oxpected. 'e set for ourselves a frequency rate objective of nt more than 6.5 for the year 1950 and in order to moct it, it will now be necessary to work accident-free for the balance of the year but it can be done. Last year, we started in just ea little lator than this end ran up 130 consecutive safe days, Let's try for a repeat porformance,- Remember, the offer of a Gala Community Party still stands if we excced that previous record, Aeecidents can be prevented and when they are everyone bencfits, Thursday, July 6th ~ Confessions from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. First Friday, July 7th - Mass and Communion 7:30 a.m. Saturday, July 8th - Confessions 3:00 to 4230 pem., 7:00 to 8:00 p.m, Sunday, July 9th - Mass 8:00 to 10:00 asm. No evening devotions. o-0-0 Now that all of the rough spots have been smoothed off the new Imporiel Bank building; "Sandy* Downie has bid us all adieu and returned to more familiar haunts in and around Kapus- kasing. 'Twas nice having you with us, Sandy, and may we see you again before too long. TON TID-BITS L Your friend and mine, Lorne rroodard, was in tow for « few dese eee Camp Borden to visit his wife and daughter, Lorne reports that all is going well in Borden and hopes for the day, if and when, he can return to dear old Terrace Bay to stay. Ht Jack Shaunessy, Jr., has left for Kapuskasing for the summer to work in the bank up there, o-0-0 July lst was not a day that invited people to venture outdoors. However, the Legion attempted to provide some sort of entertainment for the .. kids and those adults who weren't afraid of the rain. A special vote of thanks should go to:those Legionnaires who worked so hard to meko something of such a day thet wuld have been dreary, otherwise. They were :Bob MacDomld, Bd Pinnault, Herold Livingstone, Howard Solly,. Art Reynolds; Frereis Bill Baillic cnd Tin Hubony. : Oentied an a hi, LEGION LOG a-ulin,