ao EES SS (2ST Se nso eS EEE Se rmniicctns a eV se mane Volume 5, No. 9 LARG2ST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY March 16, 1950, rn nr re cae nee ne IIWANTS KIDDIES KARNIVAL Saturday --- March - 18th at the School Rink 1:30 p.m, Broom Ball Game Members o2 Kiwanis Club 2:00 p.m. School Children's Races 15 Years and Under 2:45 DeMs Grand Costume Parade Judging of Costumes Sel h: Deis Pee Wee Hockey Play Off Game HOT DOGS POP MUSIC o-0=90 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NOTICE By-Law No, 17 has been amended as follows; effective April 1, 1950. 1. That Para 1. of By-Law No. 17 be amends' to inerense the license fee for bitches from #v,.00 to $8.00 and for each additional » t.1, the fee is increased from $6.00 to $10.00, 2. That Para 2, of By-Law No. 17 be amended to include the following: 2A No person shall pevmit his or her dog to run at large in the Townsite of Terrace Bay and all dogs must be tied up at all times, except when on a chain or leash accompanied by the owner or some other competent DUT OD 4 2 <A fine of $5.00 for each and every invraction of this para. 2A by-Law No. 17 will be collected by the Provincial Police Officer, and frilure to pay such fine renders such owner liable to have his or her dog destroyed as vrrovided for by this by-Law. W, F, Strutt, Secretary-Tressurer, 'he Corp. of the Improvement District of Terrace Bay, 0-0-0 HAVE YOU_ANY BOOKS THAT 7 THE LIBRARY COULD USE? Now that the Library is functioning at "full speed, the Library Board feels that this would be the opportune time to give the Townsite residents snother opportunity to turn over any books that they have in their possession and no longer have any use for same, The Boy Scouts have kindly offered to pick these books up at your home, so if you would care to contact Ossie Dalzell at Local 53; Ed Brady at Local 1; Mnson Dixon at Dial 58 or Leon Checkryn at the Bowling Alleys - Dial 45, the Scouts will pick up any books that you may care to donate on Saturday morning, April lst. If you choose to do so, you may leave books for pick-up at the Hudson's Bay Office or at Lumbers Groceteria. 0-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN 8:00 QeMe March 20%i to 6:00 a:m. March 27th Sea ere aca ree eee "MSAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS" Se ae am an ee A A LL ec Last week "Slim" Galvin, 'Pumping Station Dinecahehoci, missed the slogan and an easy $15.00. That jackpot is growing!