Page #4 4T_ THE MOVIES (Continued) "TF I HaD MY WaY" (Continued) In the picture, Bing is a steel-worker and when his pal is killed in a bridge accident Bing takes the young orphoned daughter to relatives in New York where Gloria is unwanted by her rich relatives. Bing and Gloria sing many "hit" tunes. 'The picture has a harmenious mixture of songs and mirth. _ An added feature "umerican Takes To Skis" depicts the thrills, speed and excitement cf skiing. Fri. & Sat. Oct. 3&4 "PARDON MY PAST" It's abcut the funniest comotyyou'll ever see featuring Fred MacMurray, Marguerite Chapman, Akim Tamiroff, William Demarest and Rita Jchnson. Fred MacMurray is mistaken for his twin brcther, 4 wastrel whom Fred has never heard abcut and is threatened with d:ath by ikim Tamiroff, a gangster tc whom said brother owes $12,000.00. Fred is relieved cf all his money, $3000.00 saved from the purchase of a mink farm. Fred's identity is again mistaken and complicaticns pile up with the twins' divcreed wife. When the brother returns from Mexico, the situation gets worse but Fred finelly clears everything up and exposes a crocked uncle. It's a riot! Halas GOOD_NEWS FOR THE LuDIES Mr. Lei. Martin manager cf the Hudsen's Bay Co. Terrace Bay stcre has gocd news for the ladies. In the near future, a "Ladies Réady-to-wear Circus" will be at Terrace Bay for a 3 day pericd under the direction of Miss Bette Henderson of Hudscn's Bay Co., Winnipeg. The "circus" will feature the latest styles in ladies winter dresses and coats, no two alike. The exact dates when the "circus" will be in town will be announced shcertly. Hudson's Bay Stcre hours aret- Daily (ex. Sunday) 9:00 a.m, to 11:30 awm,3 12:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Open evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until 8:00 p.m, Closed Wednesday afternoon--On Wednesday, store hcurs: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon only. Omen HERE j.ND_ THERE Welcome to Mr & Mrs. andreas Christensen who have just taken up residence at Hcuse 85 on Hudscn Drive. Immediately prior tc coming to Terrace Bay Mr. Christensen was Sulphite Superintendent at Spruce Falls Pewer and Paper Company Limited, Kapuskasing. North dmerican Buildings Manager Fred Carpenter is at present in Ottawa while wife Doreen entertains her sister, Hazel Burns, who is visiting Terrace Bay from Winnipeg. Visitors at the Bert Flatts last week end were Ruth's mother and brothers' Mrs. G. E. Eakins of Port Arthur and Mr. J.W. Eakins of Port Alfred, Quebec. Welccme tc Mr. & Mrs. Cran Lockhart and 3 year old daughter Christine who have just taken up residence at Heuse 39. Cran is Long Lac's Catering and Lodging Supervisor. Bill Kools of Kimberly Clark Corp. Neenah, was a recent visitor: to the project. Mr. Charles L. Shaw, Canadian Editorial Director of Pulp and Paper Magazine visited Terrace Bay on Sept. 18th and 19th. Mr. Shaw makes his headquarters in Vancouver. Recent Admin. office additions include Wilma Bruce, Elsa Rusnak snd Jean MacDonald, Materials Handling Dert. additions include Peter Mazza and Ed Burk. Nick Robertson and Ed. MeQuarrie have been added to Long Lac's Tcownsite Engineering group. Welcome fellows. Mrs. Henrietta Findlay, Reg. N. is substituting at Terrace Bay hcspital during the temporary absence of Nurse Marg Storey.