ATTENTION: TERRACE BAY PARENTS "'41 June 1947 pil You have probably been following the current debate about whether having children is hereditary. Some say yes, others say' no. However, there is one point about which there is almost universal agreement; namely that people do have children. There is nothing the matter with this, except that once they have them, they can't go out as often as they would like. How often have you wished that some baby-sitting service would come along to liberate you so that you can go to that gay party! Well, your dream has finally come true. It's here! A real, genuine baby-sitting service, consisting of two clean-shaven, students from University of Toronto -- John T. Corbett and Chester J. Sarich. Why go to a bridge party with that worry hanging over your head (the gnawing fear the Junior, left to his own devices, will manager to break hisx little skull), when for a reasonable rate a baby-sitter, expert in child psychology, will appear in your doorway with that parternal look in his eye. To contact this venevolent organization, just put a note in an envelope, address it to J.T. Corbett, and leave it at the Post Office. The baby-sitters would appreciate as mu ch notice as possible -- at the very latest, 6:00 p.m. of the day the service is required.