DOMINION CATERING NEWS - continued . . Page Two a a ee ee Rev. Father Skillen wishes to inform the girls that ten-thirty Mass will be over. by eleven-ten, thereby enabling them to get to work with time to spare, -o00- Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Bird spent the weekend at Rossport with their family. ~o0o- Well, the fishing season is in full swing and many are the tales of those that got away and those that didn't! But, we have, as yet, to receive a request from an exponent of Isaac Walton to crisp 'em a golden brown, What's'matta boys? Are they. jumping out of the luggage rack now? -o00- The first signs of summer aré manifesting themselves, the least of which is leg paint. Our local artists seem to have considerable difficulty in applying an even coat. Never mind, gals, Old King Sol, the greatest artist of them all, will apply an even, delectable shade in no time at all, : -000- ' Pete Desjardin, our lequacious ehef, finally got himself a couple of new ranges. -o00- Esmerelda says, "A perfeet bachelor is a man who never makes the same mistake once", -o00- Chatter Box We would like to extend a hand to Joan Quinn, Jean MeCausland, Theresa Lavoie, Agnes Beaulieu and Evylyn Filiatrault, who have joined the D.C.Staff during the past two weeks, -o00# The Upper Camp have whipped a softball team into shape and are new looking for some oppo- sition to sharpen their teeth on, So, it looks as though you Townsite and Lewer Camp gals are going to have to preve that your bite is worse than your bark, Grrrr. -o0o- It was one of those rare, quiet evenings at the Upper Camp; the sounds of Hydro blasting was quite distinct. Suddenly, a terrifie crash, the bunkhouse shook and one of the girls howled in panic, "I think they let that one off under the house", It wasn't quite that bad though -- one of the sturdier girls evidently had a nightmare and fell out of bed. -o0oe Eileen Gorman and Terry Ramspurger have taken on the duties as Headwaitresses at the Lower Camp, where they have already made themselves popular with the public and the staff, ~o0o0= It pains us to report an accident at the Upper Camp, Evidently, Marion King was eating a delicious hot dog when sister June buzzed up and took a whacking big bite at the dog -- missed -- and caught Marion in the neck, Several stitches were required. At last report, both patients were doing well. -o00- HERE AND THERE The "Fire Chief" and Mrs. Jones are now enjoying life in Terrace Bay, Mrs. Jones! ex- pected arrival has been heralded in previous issues but now she is finally here. We must offer our apologies for not announcing this in last week's issue but nevertheless we extend our heartiest of welcomes. ~o0o- Toronto Office's own Doug. Johnson dnd family are now residents of Terrace Bay. Welcome to Mrs. Johnson and the twins, Paul Douglas and Robert Barry, recent additions to the Johnson family. -o00-