Posted by [Name Withheld], 23 February 2013 at 23:44
I am amazed to see some of these photos! I knew this family! Though we were not related, they were always "Aunt Hilda and Uncle Jim" to my siblings and I and June we called "Peggy". Fond memories of being very young and going to their "maple bush" near Maple Island to "help". We would ride on the horse-drawn sledge, jump off to grab the sap buckets and empty them into the vat on the sledge. From there the vats were emptied into wood-fired evaporators in the "sugar shack" where the magic of maple syrup happened. The pancakes and bacon and sausage we had those mornings were the best meal ever! Our visits to their home in Magnetawan were also memorable. We would wander the village, swim in the river below the locks. I remember old Vic Rafflub (sp?) who lived down the street, always kind and friendly to this (once) young kid.
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I am amazed to see some of these photos! I knew this family! Though we were not related, they were always "Aunt Hilda and Uncle Jim" to my siblings and I and June we called "Peggy". Fond memories of being very young and going to their "maple bush" near Maple Island to "help". We would ride on the horse-drawn sledge, jump off to grab the sap buckets and empty them into the vat on the sledge. From there the vats were emptied into wood-fired evaporators in the "sugar shack" where the magic of maple syrup happened. The pancakes and bacon and sausage we had those mornings were the best meal ever! Our visits to their home in Magnetawan were also memorable. We would wander the village, swim in the river below the locks. I remember old Vic Rafflub (sp?) who lived down the street, always kind and friendly to this (once) young kid.
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