1812 History

Massachusetts Mercury, 10 June 1800, vol. 15, no. 46, p. 1

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**/ ->-. u x^otfai c ·*»*-7 iHaffactjufette :-- prime* by poung ana ^ums, t&rmtTi to ci?e Jftercttrp* § onovable trie General (Court N0.-46.-r- Vol; T.'./j '</ XV.] Norfolk* will TUESDAT, A NEW To Merchants., men June 10, 1800, [Three Dollars pr. Ann. wanted for r:iLr ADVERTISEMENT. Store- Keepers in general, '-JMIK Brig ELIZA JL ../' and Tradef- S0ifccUanp. FOR THE MERCURT. ',"-', pli il.i-, . a t, 1. !- ,j . ,-,. ' t t Voh about #o to us Freight to .' 1. iadc within he nutler on Appli wlidvf) 01 at Mb. so, Long1 &c. Gentlemen, that you have fo gencrouily aDd generally come forward and fubferibed for my work, that (notwith- again 10 the Rhine ; and a body arc to aflift the Engltdi in another attempt on Holland. The Ruffians by treaty are to furnifli 4C000 men o the Engliffi. tt it Whr.rl ""'" .'" J-'f-'l'. I FEEL a peculiar pleafure inflating, MefTrs. Yoosg & Minns, tliat aflerted that the differences ; Germany sod Rujfii are latter will fiirniut fettled between and that the former, a- A ju 5,.., I I few puncheons ,]. St. Vincents Rum, 6. mil Alfa, A quantity RuUM and Raven* Duck I ::,: ,. BheerinR. Jm» for ALEXANDRIA, nprffifcli. Evelina, capt. 4 ., SMITH, ' will r fail in 10 or la day?. * : ._ '^r Put Freielil PaiTige, apply to JOSEPH BAXTER. jr. A'-. x.LOXG-SrHARF, 1 W(; r,h fht SALSJer ire -**nfiJHng df /oobbfs. -. fuperfine Floor; 250 fine ' tec half boli [upermie Jo. and tips umfluls Corn, [imr (5. i7.;;- PbifadelpJjia, THE Schooner LYDIA, i hi will fall in four (lays PorFr* or PsuTage, apply to PEHB2 «R-Y- ANT. jVaif /t." //>?, >»r 6. aid for PTiii Sale, By John y,t Parker, 20, Long- W/mrf, THE Cargo of the Brig Angenohia, 150 cafks MOLASSES, SOGAR, and ALSO, «5 hog/heads The aliout fakl Brig 1J5 Angenoria, JTM* 3-^ inn* burthen, a ftron^, both parties, and affords aconclufive proof of the pUee in RUSSIA, SWEDEN, DENMARK, NORWAY, PRUSSIA. POLAND, GERMANY", HOLLAND, Mrength and temper oF both. This is tncorrefl. Mr. Gerhv, if no fedentlift, pafTed for one, FLANrJER-S, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, TrALY.Mfeveral if, be WINDWAKD ;nJ LEEWARD WEST INDIA and therefore was rjualilied to fweep in every anISL.ANDS, *»dManj PufUin 'I" EAST INDIES ;-- the ti-feJcral vote, a3 he certainly did, and ninny hundwhole to be reduced to Dollacs and Cents and the red federal votes, as he ought not to have done. hell mode of computing the Exchange with thnfc plaBut parties are believed to have done their uttogether with 1 largi Sbcet-T.Mt »ftat' ce*, explained molt and to have been equally buly and zealolis. cutatinm at Compound Jnterejl at 6 per. cent, ibr Tablet tifid 1* Omit for the dil;r'ain«tion of tbe value of gatd : the inThis is alio incorrect. terepfat cicb mentb from one totto't-oi iienfbi, on every DatThe ccrjfua gave four hundred and feventy-fivc Inr (wiit'out txcepliuit) from onr to two tboufjnd ; and J Tuthonfand inliabitants in all Majfachufetts. The hL- of all the Pjl-Tj-ami in the United Statu ; befidt, much Votes returned were about 39,000 ; ft) that the lliall politively be adotbrr ;ent ratty ufeful inf rotation, proportion was one vote to twelve perfons and ded to the work, entitled, about one fourth of a perfon. The county of Nor(ir. h.-TcuEur, Oi foil, of all tn the (late, the mod Jacobinical, conevery DiH'r ( -.oitlout exception) From one to two thoufatid; tllcncc an every ten. fifty, and five tained about 22O0O fouls. The vo£e$ were 2567, hundred, toJive th-"if.ind,friut one day tajixly-faur dttyi inc/w about one vote to %\ perfons, which is one fh ire five, at fix per tent, ·with notes for 5, 7 and 8 per cent. fife. and a half (hare of the average. In other words, eight perfons in Norfolk volcd as much as twelve is dedicated, by perin >« Naip in general *is now, to t n P«r*rnr;;T and Di"ectohs oe thf. QJex, not much lefs Jacobinical than NorBank or Nohth Ami.mca, and received in the llrlt ^otes 4501, at the twelve daye the patronage of JOHN ADAMS Pref.dmt folk, had -12000 inhabitants of THOMAS JEFFERSON, Fit*. rate of one vote to t)} The two counof t',, United States t perfons. of Prtfi lent of the United Statu, and PrefiJ-nl ofthe, Senate ties gave upwards of 7000 votes, which is betwo-thirds of the Senators and Members of the ween a fifth and i, iixth of the votes of the whole Hottsu of RepRcsetfTATive) of the Un ted States and (late. It is probable, however, that they do not "flhe Prefidtnt, and DireBvr, of the different Bank, UNaNIcontain one tenth of the prefent number of pcoMoost-v, 3cc-- a lift of the whole is printed and attach; : ftnnding all provifoes heretofore m*de by me) the Co':ni and Afuteet if A<totmt of the principal maritime trading IT the late eleftion for Governor called forth all the exertions of is thought by many 1S000 men to the grecably to treaty. LONP0W, APRIt Moreau, in Stvit'z.er/and, 14. lately addrefliug bis troops, obferved, that the fjrft Confbl'i overture^ for peace being entirely rcjecJed, the campaign would foon open. about the fame time Mnjf-na addreffed his armjV in fitnilar language. from L'mdatv, fayi, the Archduke les has been neceffitated to retire front the army, by the intrigues againfl. him. Regardfor letter A APRIL Z3. Ch An -- his health is only a pretence. ROWLEPI'STablesofDiscount, Majcna's army in Iialy is Hated at 50,000 men. French head cinarters on the Rhine are' at Colmar. Manhtim has been bombarded by the French. Earl vice St. I'incents, commands the channel fleet, Lord Bridport, reftgned. The work : - f ; --^ai>B99a*<^>-399ao e; ; : ANSWER OP THE SENATE, TO THE SPEECH or HIS EICELI.ESOY TKS GOVERNOR. . L ; ; well built veffct. For Freight or Charter, Brig' THE VICTORY, to (on j burthen, eight months old) to any port or ptrt-s in the Wcft- (108 fouies or Europe. t, Apply F ib-Stre-e. JOSEPH May 30- Freight Wanted. ABOUT tMmuwf 50 tons Freight for is St. Bar- warred, if offered immediately, on hoard the Swcdiih Schooner, lying at Foflcr'a wharf June 3Apply to the Cine, on boar.L ed to the propofals. the work will be nn trumpery It is evident that catch-penny-thing; for [ do allure the- public, that the price of it is reduced very near on; half, according to the ufual rate at which book; fell and it is my lull determination t« render it in point of suojict-matter, a valuable acquifieion. With refpeet to the accuracy of the Tables, too much cannot be Taid; and I pledge myfelf that a of nut lefs than one iiuuDiitn duUabs (hall be olTcred to the firft pcrfon who (ball inform me of a fmgle error <f one cent, according to the principle a&cd upon. To do away all doubts with refpetft to the expenses of (he undertaking, I &XS Mwfl fibltMrtly dtelaYt that they ; pie. Thus it appears that the indullry of the parts of the date, which, unhappily for its peace, are fo deeply difaffefted, was twice as great as that of Even in Hnmpfhire, where Governor Strong is known, refpettcd, and juftly beloved, the votes, though numerous beyond example, were only 5236; yet Hampflj'ire probably contains at this day, more inhabitants than both Can there be a ftronger Norfolk and MiddUfex. the other parts. you their congratulations upon your election to the Chief Magiftracy of isfadiion, offer THE Mhy 'it pleafe your Excellency, Senate, with particular and fincere rat. the Commonwealth. Your fellow-citizens by their free and uninfluenced fuffrages, you you to prefide in their councils, their political father. have called. and conlh'tuted. We rejoite, in common PREMIUM Miflifippi Cotton. 30,000 wt. of Miflifippi an excellent quality, K.r S.ile. .-u No. 6j. clnfity 1 fodr thousand dollars, and perhaps more, independent of any remuneration for my own trouble in the ardicai bjfiitfs, and the great eupcncc already incurred for frjeomuia; propofali, adwill amount to very nc.ir COTTON, of in Vi.rt ifemenis, I hand-bills, &c. &c. packed fquare j3 led to ,, .. -'- 10 \C-}VHARF, . lf-'- , _*««-- bales. do therefore tru ft with confidence, that Gentlemen continue to come forward with that public ipirit tlic u'j. 1 proof how much the energy ef the difcontented people exceeds the languid fpirit of thofewho are fatisfied ? It (hew* how drowfy fedeialiils have been, and how wakeful they ought to be. For the votes do not at lirft view exprefs all the (Irength of public ojllTJion in favour of Governor Stkijng. The Countiei of Berl/hire, Hampjlnre, ujph.ert/mdim& Lincoln, contained in t-^'o, /. ' 1 -'<--. tr'!: entit- Drawback on exportation, (epif) tltay JO. Giidley Have Jujl received '<& Nolen, hales oy lU.ifcrfblOg to it uitliiiut helitation othcrwife it cannot be publilhed, and I mull fit down to reftei.1 upon a considerable tots, I am, with profound rcl'pciTt, pu.t . .1' " _,. .. jO'pi-.-. i >.."! !-' i'i'-il- 11. e C.'Uii- : have inercafed prodigioufly ilnce that time, and far beyond their average proportion of the It is not increafe of (he people of Majfachufells. tie3 rafli a number COTTOMS, «*ft Ctl, confijling of of INDIA Gintlcm^n, Your obedient humble JU.-IN fervent, 10 fuppufe that tljefe five Counties contain a T Patna. Baftas, Allibad Coflza, Jalapoor, Mamoodys.fine; TanItaftas.Nsuckhorys, Jannah Baffu, NucVJnw Cof- AND AH ROWLETE, Aecmjrfint, Msmoodys, Sank 0/ North Amtritm, PlU.Mjihla, 11/ Marti, 1S0O. numbers of the State. Th^y gave more than 10,000 votes for Governor Stkono, and upwards ,0(3700 for Mr. Gerry. Take full half of the with the friends of virtue, palrictifm, and religion, in this dillinguifhed mark of their affection and confidence; and we indulge the pleating expectation and belief, that your adminiftration will be guided by that fpirit of mildnefs, and that unthaken attachment to the government and its laws, which during a long feriea of publick fervices you have fo eminently manifeftcd. The lofs which our country has lately fuflaincd, by the death of fome of its mod worthy and bejpveicitizena, is a ful.ject of mournful regret ; ·-'and tffsiti R.-W& ftd thcdVWrtw are aiV ed to fucceed thetn in places of honor and preferment. And wc trult that its inftruciive and. effecting irfluence, will have a tendency to double their zeal in the caufe of virtue and their countryThe removal of the late Governor SumNtfc by death was indeed an afflicting event: -- Amlablt and exemplary intelligent, in private life j punctual, P. S. Gentlemen are refpettfully invi- T.ind* 3annahs,Oude CnTas, Striped blue Cottons, V CliTtlR, Cuflas, Sooty Romal Handkerchiefs, &c. Which will be fold cheap for Cajh, at their Var]. the ted to fee Specimen? of the Tables, &c. exhibited at the lcveral Banks and Insurance OlKces, and the Book-llorc Store, on Draw-Bridge. 3m. April 4. FURS. for West and OaetNLtAF, No. j6, Comlilt. And pleafe be referred to the other advertifements which appear every day in fome of the newf-papcrs. of Subfcribers are to pay nothing until the and ilatemeuts together, and they Will clearly (hew that a really Urge majority of the citizens, and certainly not the leall lound and refpeflable part, fup ported the election of our and as his p'r?fent excellent Chief Magiftiatc virtues and talents and conciliatory manners canall tlnfe fails' : and CASH, aH klhth or the higheft price, PURS, at the Store of given bori ii delivered rigiroully cohformable to all IKpulltianst not fail to augment the number of hts fupportcrs, I KENRV Cspy-rigbtitrnrrd,aciiirdta% ta a£i"fCongrns,on 311/ J an. 80O- BASS 13* Co. Wo, 10$, Orange-Street, South End. for fale at All kinds of Hatters Boflon, May 30, 1800. ir FUR Tllh day Fablijheti, fald Store, as ufiial. Alfi, By THOMAS DOBSON, 41, Jbuih Second-Street, I. we may congratulate ourlelves in the happy prof peft of the State being again in a way '\o be in peace and harmony, 3S in the days of Governor Sumner, whom he fo much refcmblcs in many of his qualities. | GRINDSTONES Bojtim, of all fizes. (ep. tf.) At the Sionc Houfe, No. Dn.bth, Pbiladtipbi*, I7JSr, Volumf. I. Part to rtiF. of tub Crafs Seeds. SUPPLEMENT Red and WorttJIcr. jfomgn TURKVEY. An jE^igltuS tt ^jnteiUgcnce* 19. Hill HERD'S Grafs, Red Top, By White-Clover .and Foul Mcalo«v -Secd.fr.r Sale, at No.y,MatkL-t Square.by S. UR.^ZEK. & SON. Jtifo, ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Ilhiflrated Constantinople, r;a. fquadron with fevemecn Copperplate!. arts, feiences, cruizes before v/Zfif SAMUEL DRAZER, it hie ftorc in April ir. NO diJliottary of literature, and mifccllnneoui has hitherto been publiflied to which fup- Gridley and Nolen, - 1 A * HAVF. JUST RECEIVED, Number pair elegant Gilt Lniking-GLASSES, which will Framed fi>ld be cheap, at the Variety Store, 1500 yards above. TOW on the Draw-Bridge. CLOTH, (iw.im) for fale Match 7. Types, Prefsj &:c. for Sale. FOR SALE, Alfa-, 3.50 wt. A worn. fliovt good Printing Prefs. They 10. A fount of Pica, about r do. Eurgeois 01 brevier body, 30O wt. partly will be fulJ on good tirms for C.iili, or approved Credit, Apply at the Mereury-Otiicc. (t f.) May r l * plemcnt was not neee/Tary. The reafon i.s obvious: Every dictionary mud be arranged in the- order dT the alphabet ; and if but a very few years pafcaway during it- prugrefs through the prefs, important difcoverics mr.y be made in the interval, of wliich ifmnft he impoll'ibk for the Editor to give any account without deviating entirely from the plan ol the work. This has been the cafe in a very remarkable degree during the publication of the Encs-ciopjudia. Since the lirfl (liec-ts of it were given to the public, a period often years have clapfed The rtloft eventful period io hi (lory ! During which, countries have bemi explored, to which wc were formerly ftrangtrs ; new principles have heon introduced into fome feitnees, new modes of thinking adopted in the cultivation of othen, new art?, have ln.cn invented, and even unknown powers of nature hnve been difcovered ; and to thefc inventions and dilcoveries fncli names have oe.eij.gt veil, as, from the progrefs of ihc publication, could not find The T/tefeut, of this Meet, hat jnil tanndna. ken a vcflel for France with a valuable cargo. Menmt, two other cunfidevable ofliceri and Gen. 150 foldiers, were taken in her. The fame Ihtp took 7 boats belonging to the Nile, laden with fug-ar, rice and coffee. MARCH 10. -- fquadron of 1 fail of the line, &e. is orderIt is commanded by the Caped for Egypt. tain Pacha, who is on board Lhe SelinA Trqops i'u; -e the arc alf.i ordered towards Egypt. certainty of the capitulation of the Fi'cik 1 ^.rdl my ihefe mtafiirea appear furprizing bi the MinilU'rs of the Allies are confulted as lu -lie 1 ! ; 1 A and patriotic In his public funciiun;, he would long have continued the friend, the ornament, and the pride of hia fellowcitizens, if their affections and prayers could have prolonged his ufcful and valuable life. America has lofl in General Washington her rirft and belt friend; and the world, a dilinterclted and an ehghtened benefaitor! That ^"^ a man (""d^ Providence) was the founder of our government, and the able and faithful guardian of its rights ; that he conducted its armies to Tictorj'j and Its citizens to independence and happuuf. that he (tood firm and uncorntotetl at the helm of the nation, amidlt the (turn of party, and the dangerous and uncertain operation of fyitems of experiment that he triumphed over vice, anarcriy*, and the enemies of public order; that he has tranfmitted to pofterity a new and great example of private and patriotic virtue, and therein 3n inheritance, which, if rightly improved, will extend its happy influence and that he clofed the to remotrflt pofterity career of a life dsvated to his country and the gODd of tmnkiiid, with the hopW 3nd ^ of a philofopher and a ehriftian, are confide'ra tions wlueh ought, amidlt the univerfal forrnw for his lofs, to create, in the bree*t of every A vigilant 1" -- ; ; -- -- j -- - men'oan, not only the higheft gratitude, but in unalterable attachment to his country'.-! welfare. We realize, with, your Excellency, and 6'in? fellow citizens at large, the lofs fullained by t!;_ L object. PAtFRMO (stcrLtv) Frefli troops are FEB. 15. ordered for Malta, where lhe are to is HE College Lottery, compienccd drawing yefterday, ^t CtncrJ, N. H. and without poftpotiemeQI, until Dartmouth and a place in the feries of the alphabet. Thefe 1'ubjeCTS are arranged in the order of the inhabitants, to the al- amount of 15000, Sicilian Lieutenant-Governor. The; early friends of American freedom will long remember with gratitude his ^eal and ftuGufulni ' His reward has been the UileQi in her csufe. oral tafti'mony of tlicelleem of his fcllow-ei'j. ., by their repeated and unanimous election to the death of the late , afjlft (n the afTanlt, Hia it i^ Majelly to have fecond office in their tions with the fniirce gift. ' willcdbtinu rmiflicd,-- TICKETS KlN, Mo. JT. 47, QUAKTJIRS, may be bad of E. LARCurnliit, who will pay the prizes on de- H'.rl. In a fmall family, a Scmot, sod a woman to cook and do houfc work. To fucli as c:in brm^ guod rccumintiid.itJoiu, grtyj rnan 93- Wanted will 1 : -- J"<" 6. »ajrs ' be given - nunc othen iietd apply. phabet, together with fuch new fubjciils as are from time to time received. The whole will probably make th cue volumes of about 700 pages each, bcfides copperplates, at Sit Dollars per vojump. The lad voiuinc to be paid on fubrcribing, and the other volumes on delivery; and to prevent nriluuderfhuding, tt ii pro] r fo ctpfefi that no fubfcripiion will be received; nor part delivered without the money. The SiihfcripHons will be received on thefe t,rnis till the irtand when taken. Two a.'e ments ar; here and two others Engliih regicxocctcd. a p r l 5. i Wii.^rrvEn m:y he the event ©four negp French Government, it will !· uf fatr«fai5li ill : behlin, (crussia) Our king rirll Miniiter of Stare will go as AmbafI fadorto Paris, to prevent the a iVp.u.ue peace with French from maAullna, too much I I May the AX APP&SNriCE ~WAXrED. <tj&- will Volume is ttniilied after which ihc price be railed One Dollar per volume for thofc copies I'irU -- for her intereft". in a Druggift and ApoShop, an honeff active LAD, fgchan One »ill B, B0.1t d and meet with yooJ encouragement. Walll n «ill be fouud him. Inquire 01" the Puntcii. tliccary'* Wanted N then have been fuVfcribed for. Name* will be received by Wtfi Is" Orten/raf, E Lar-' tin, tt'm P. tf L. Blair, and Tbimat £3* AndreTM., Hot»kfcllci-, Bofton . M-y ij. (hill not which Ruffta, I"-Ji.\ Sii-ei'.tt, J)ttvmrl t and Saxony are reported to have coalesced to prevent tKe ; m.ry ,; (eptf.) "/r A young woman, with a good to fuck e, about I "pHE ~fO LETT - Building. No. 71, State-Street, · bread of Milk, wiflict to take 2 Child Inquire of the fix miles from QafUn. occupied by Mrs. Briant, as a Boarding-houfc. and Capt. Gakaner as an AuC^ioH-Ofrije. IiroQiri; ol the Ptiiitcr*, being advanced by the French cftabHlm'ngthe Rhine as a boundary L is laid Doilmourler, to be appointed Commander in Chief of Ruflian troops dellined to ait again ft France. Letters from Frankfort March I, fay, that it Anliriaii 11 eufl frofn j . -- 1 Uni States, that every raeafurc has beep adopt which wifdom and piaidence could dictate, t. r.-cuneile our differences in an amicable midmer. Having been patient under multiplied and aggi vated encroachments upon our right* aa ti il nation, we have the fulleft confidence, that the independent and enlightened Citizens of f\ 01 erica, Will cheerfully lubmit to every mi *wd duty, which the fafety and honor of t' country may demand. We cordially units wir.li your Excellency in opinion that the reftoTatiui > to the people of the .1 11 of hanmmy will greatly depend upon our rr - parati'ons for defence. Piintert, f is reported a body of liuffia troops are coming May f the faithful pen of hillory, lhalt record our fineereandardei c dehres for I'tconeiliation and peace, may it alfq And when 1],

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