1812 History

American Mercury, Vol. XXX No.1527, 5 October 1813, p. 2

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/noit t .--i c t ins r a*, v. dmbmw** No, LV. 3,1 in pi ' 1 1 IhLik ptopti ;.'!' lOKihl* e»Mi ,,' "-' r '.:'= · t .. lb'1-' : ;»i lJ "' i ""'· *' >" ll"">' ' mtT .; , '">' mx THBTOB my ho p reft . v^httbdi '"" ( ' ; " i; > " I U" " ;,,(,s :iiV '1' |M*l« mM * " " or lorn, Srcmsnl from the Wigpin, liflil ample Bote for I · tion. II i« lid uw*l truly, ,- that | rc|rx ; \*l bt lawfdffc I »" , I "beer*, or otJicr nenom iota«lr service «w*mpr»ywwt, to pie is (leotiobwihe pn 01 qui ,-,, . ui I ·' of " d ntan. ,iij! admit, n _ *uc*i gala at (, wa|f>n or TM""t' of tTM-lfn*lralH«<lm»TMinloOieflM(loi n ctarll ntkc aptil facft I ii ,::. mind wnsagitati uutpa >fi wilhcons i- ...'....' ijfron ..; ii i overthrew Ike .rnc-ira-v i -. lAvnCtMcni M« "' P nt* «»*" or lOt»pik«,» . aw ' .-.ill!.' wTM LAtii-=OP CrKIJ'ICOtHB you irliicfi [ bare received tho sword discuv^roftbe siaUooe ol Freutl And of lipve been iiIcbmiI lo p'rCBent to me, as MI l: ,u tha K pubj fi »' , " ir ""'" ,,i " "' J use by testimonin] of »t'( to '" uble oui pr*fi9*a «!».pumon wjioafe conduct on tiie Sd lost, A mnrb i..-1-r.-ciiy 6(inviu»jing«<evy naa nnexpeCtetl, aettering and (motion ted hy our mictvoulti la- pi evi MnteUfeeIing9whictawm1.otex1.re9B. , Coiuiaeriiia Uw- P woft v '" " )lik ' return yourlhaulis for tl ol P«a»on lllll;1 ,:,.,« pofih.- .M-i'i..horrors of mimer hed E ift you have thus bellowed, ence wciaboreTlto depict the Tit. ofPrfince ai:J unncr ^..-iiir v i ; (« loB»ce »'e totrtf Sattifutty, Jlug. sa. -- men ti.,,1, uitb > < -- ihusil inii' ! ·" « rp u ", could ugh Imowltdge- of the inf-n'Mn f ibe prcBMit in Qv, governmenl . !· Idlj turn fiiised, " :> ly asserting, tli^i ii hu 1 nd (hnj goT- i i , 1 is i!»* i.'c 1 1 i.-.i l Ihc ; i I m (ii meiit will) Hie meaneet submifpjon, darirtg spirit of (ho ai , ( ,, ^ w " ' ' nml tlitf next wilh the most vindictive war. nation has no credit I ' entirety flTSrni that mypo.nl fortune Ai one liu:e the another the matcnitude of li-r ... ilil is lo he the source or ^nld time be lost «nher ruin. The -- j m ,, , |( ,,, for a human which I j :«« o* *«*· of soy .. ,,,,.-.v. oi bw M *' -' " '"i"""1 innAca*) *r '» »neli nlrjM to flriw ibe rams into , br**B>t art*fte.»t»" > ) " .< -;-i e vil 'ii slton , ' ' ' Ml n-: wy dm -,,.. lOr-fo fi» im ! rttfl fofhil unil p»V h to the " 1 ,,,,i ,, Imlban ; d« "»«* " i,r lh* ,r ' * " 1 ' tobflWOWwHll "" onfI m.anpr blNtD- . b. .J"«' fre itjvoihtr wield. Tint '"" l . TM. l..nne.l ourtile fiOtret reccsw? oflhe soul ,,,;,,,,. rt(lklti;i dnflmJ hadpropenoiQeSihlierent in his j Kivc9 in bis^hainB, and moumfnlly mto> K is nml. aiable, that every hurough the means of our newanature. : ii..' [i imarj passion, andthsl baneratoBriwinforiaieratibn: to Uke in, l>) Q>e wirful his i... pen IhetV/^u/erfeouulryundcrher benign prodie neonlc wii. w'lU Hie .I, Hie ibe people irisinginthe mind from its e; g se tecUon, and cherish from awake will ^ cause of temptation, same naurvSimeat ^he so jtettngty be- Briaesfcora w commind) bas raiaetl I m you cxpflctabena winch must, 1 n, aji ,!,, from ray bilureetloi-ls, tear the Jo r efforts will noly lend (o rear u Habtl Post of Snturthat ' I ! : -i , , . . I - j be sooner or later disappointfid. Still 1 pledge myself, (even though fortune should not he ngam propiliouM ^uch he s U eh as never that tbatmy hiy exertions shall be to causa theirown confusion. Tho Ncw-Vorb^EvcniDg dny the 40) Inst complains, the Fed- | | I you in the leasl to regret the . BQWMfOtOI r&h i-t"i "" '!' rT '«^ " ilh J( ,r',ee,*i rt»briBAUiofirhV«i»lied« ik«H not ht fonr "·", *" """- t,,e ,r;" , toa 1 iwibei. *«rtl l,p ' ft {[fMdcr waiShl ihwaoo 'hnn 'nrf* ih? \nfihet, mm by nti ic ition hi um ite mibi iideal *its lentlcncy, il dissipatta the ""' over] st mtti <»r reason soil RrmH opposition of previous rcsohjuoii si i i i i i hi: (hitf.r no«BBbe*ma*e, aiMrr, br-nlthnr : ..: PCj Uiso particular, command of wfctti? voeetK&all not>iewrTi ornnDg ,hn ; (UinfAes sWlr'-Unt h--' ' 1, -> t <"» '·" '"^ the Ai nighty, UjilI wc should implore him nol ilead us into lemplBtinn. BeI Kill i»">1rv*-'ni.W<tSip>Mit r.al Bithtnirf. ""'· ,' cu)[i M ircornstunces I aorataanAwloni "" «*r"«*i I.t«iUbofwft:><? WtWd" hn'IO"l '« '"" "" " orTKMBtR hciog 1- ' *a!1 <i"< r" 1 ' "V' tion of'si nation, trill sometimes a mutaimpel '" ;n l0 varv t*r3oi a I ,,u on happy Ireland : on hami ^ ^ bvbh tockisa ua wiUi the ntjflJ Theuwachemploy. unW savages in her advocate ers, who now, at the holy altar, stnnuthe bulwark ofoor religion more implomoving!/ chMstiariiUr, .ui^lv than rwltha Host airiitoddiver llieir Qucka French wohes rroiri i-e gripe of ungodly Stow -- b j 1 honors ydu have been pleased to confer ou your · youthful soldier. 9 giving the people to know the nature and amount of That the taxes laid lo support the war. leading Hound of the Federal Pail. End)- eral Printers are remiss in not -- GEORUE CROGHAN. JjOKfr Swtdushy, Jlvg. 25. ]\Iess. . - the 1.'. States (o re-echo Wtfh the lull cry of all the venal hireling presses whir* are this moment under the direct or indirect control of British FlM.FY Gentlemen --The &. Whevio-., sw^fd which you ineiica -- Partisans in A- aiillicnsfor defence mu ir '*B while Btonsofthe human breast Uncen(rolab|e aluwliii'.ii reign triomphant ,,,. r .than tirtti iottj mmnst, ffith *»q wa«l», la-sa-me brmAih of me nt nt the one time U often afterward Tie ftrtl aTorruVt) .,,,.!t| wawoii lh» ninn.! oWiorfpncC n,.. Oii trtiertr of lv b] ««· "" ,r ' 1, " n " ". rtcijBenl rei · ion nB Ae «ii^ ii account for ln'i'lh- Uai'denoTWfifilr' w*n»*r*H! anil t< aay , . « his preKdicti -ii. bo thai the ** From ivlse cfiM, ...... "..lii be IriTi ftlonc , i, ; l»« Mil no-cait or tony by lutus um farced the tears of lyypdflrisy eves to move tho feelings ol Fuol» only were csu^hl; Iheir audience. i their ; usu Alt faagfie.d See. their the ul Uieir shallow arlicredulous received from have been nleased to forward lo me in behalf nf Hie njdiea of Chillicothe, has been the only return I can make to delivered you and l!iem,foi so ilislinsinisheit a mark of your favor, is a promise to use my beat exertions to become worthy of it a favorite toalt, and tuxes once the pi»u- desthope and leading star of federalismi -- Hcccordmg to their own acare rount, an ovenvh. 'ming torrent, a vonv snatciiin^ and devouring inouKter, cions the bread from Ihc gupiug month of a f.iingry labour, although the lnhoring jiart ,, i ^1 ! th'e'pnbUc . v . Sn,« .i . ii .,'.. ,«r. ..-...ti.Mv.le.. -i...i ; thf «frj r"'-l ""H « r ornolilwj»l(PnlimcnJ ! .:. "i ii li " l "' T "< "^ <> ' rn ( , «r , ·' .i.f.K,"..li'iL!Mit,ia;-,i!lS:'rxrc..%orliiir. >ti tit . .! '.,.,,i ibrr- hnn,1rv.l **iihl or Bj.»wi»tc)l, , ""'^'" .,v h: jartn men a tirable ffho iuve the liberty of judging foi li [he raaoy paa'ii' conf -, that soivca. Oh bhHra. \aa nml tioiis '.'.bieh deVersifj . |i> t The honesty or iniderstauojng. OTt'he republican party was France, oriof subject io the influence supposition was die utmosf contempt for GEOKGE CKOGHAN'. MORE HEXRYfSM. The' following letteris taken from the Patriot, having been intercepted on its way to Canada, by Lieut. The writers French of the U. S. army. are understood tn h'- leading^nVrn'u/shl and the the State of New-Hauipsllire person to whom it was addressed, Capt. Josieh lawyer, a magistrate of Eaton, The cause of federalLowefOanada. 1 foaled f.-oin tiiT* false premises just sta- ; mwy .'is:ih':'.i-Ii il..' nafure-T of met) hart aller- ; Ihf nn- ofthc rouipiiny ,t : ^rfTi.frrf. BfiWJTii "',t , nat h ftwayed (If intents or my mind, Alted.and 'roiu no OtluK f.'umlalion. though Iftey evinced by repeated ordeals olbcr Iheir delosration of any inflpence New- H ai up *bire of the community do in fact pay Ibe taxes, yet lite rich will be the loudest in coinand when battles are to be platnmg Fought, who are- more ready lo fight (ban those who have Itn&t to light for; vet this | same part of the community is esteemed hiHonJmiy -j-Sr""" bi rot.l, .. i !«· bonin «ootain*a Uwf-it for the said eOmp»lArtltra ni* or allther.*rf*i"f"'"2 lb» hnr i nnd fluvt reason, ibjier struggles for mipremBcy, has only appeared tn suocarab ii h. c conqueror. Each ny tinieof ?utu»is- rvtf jvuci n wtL'if'i D UmI (id ih«lt«teo(1l« tcjolnlionj, ifuufbond ">: rsehi^leAtfovishftll "« ; iLi.-i.lii- tost a poi'tion oHm than that wllfch IS created from love of lot, aft country and called patriotism, novelty h pleading, every knave and fool in Ihc'c'imniuiiily ; power; till, became proselyies to Hi length, rcii.n-^il BBceeasire defeats my and doctrine. folly lofhe public -'i ·! |1 fi'iOtl; Prom'iW n u- " " [·HfiOTttilwIlnfllleiMa.IKi i ' Bec.^. '--riSe<l. = r- ' " Anddt iljWth -'niael she imperceptibly raoiabed, tebvivg pie to the control. otthevileBt passiona Utnt 1 mean ,v.-r polluted ih- human breast hen passions of a political con-,|i!e\inrj. accumula1 tncntaJlj l icwed the htU&oqs tion which, made me at limes odious to ; compose This uniun of knavery the faction which now ism rs here identified with that of Britain. ', T!int »'"' On ,iv j.i.. |> rt-leiit rtd rlirwi tn t»ie nu-t : co^pn- W chargp's the reputdicanparty will) subserproject, as you viency to France. Wy ibaltiiSffl, ,i.... o t «n 1) i i he i f-f[>' f*ir are aware, foiled of course and tinued in difoincd retirement. 1 still conZ. ... iu .;.- hr wcivpU by fi"t ..i 1 lh: i n fro j .l* . -, _\r , . >' , , -i-"ji»ii -t... ; * mrrs, h. hm-in 1, mv self, defiling Ute usurped luibiLiliuuof |he ,i'-i< iaS«ori- h*t*t& Jv... ntl-l njfnihKirililtiiiiinrtbTUWE. onJafinWrw n " wcon* ' ! 'I'" m>] oi all mon,i| departed reason, I qj ofhorjori .ipil sbuddferod in Uu agovutirp'ii.ly resolved to ATRIBPTETO VALOR. Chi/iicoth>.,OhioSeyL2. i-. by Hen m m »xpl«>ltS^ntl»p»»>wett «""<' 1l HQ'l **tnH AtitcaM «0*t ' " ; , .ioniiniun. o1" br.eak die shackles of llieir ?jl« I yielmiii thpattemjil was. uattrailbigr '"" , & Animated by the heroic conduct of major tlro'ihfin at Fort Stephnson, >'.itb the ta- 1 . (i ii i ii' iq h , .' , |j f P|i .! · .kii , . ] v:i -i.: . h !. t>/ 1 mats 'i » efneiblfl*, omil Iht -ail itii ; ded inyselCiliev victim. Seldom did a spark of patriotism itlumtsc my soul, and there only exhibited bj the ligbi bf virtue, the Ioalh3onie inlrudera uvoUtag in mertIbis cotrmifrcfl [rfOrtuI '" 1 nitil !.* i'..-w I i fTvciipa . " > »»o""^ 'hs [,h ; 11 . of CWIUcQthe, and liberality wfetcji pUrchasedan elegant dies a p^npueaa' Hieni floes honor, liTord which was M nml . j-Si'-rel; »n ! presented to him, as an evidence of their respect fttt-a lu-avc young .DiTieer, whose 8Cjii cvt meals, like '.hose ofr I|lt Mui will shine apottthe page of history ., ,,,;,.,,,., ,, , ],,. 1(1011.01 n «h»Mwitwwbnia,uU comiplwrt ii l | j, ' kAlMf^tha^a^c»| \:,, ,11..-;. h,inj -«-ni«nyh»«li'n»!ir-; ceil by pasa ni-.|i itilichlty vicious, is deI nonjirtBtefl « :,,ryi>i,," l.y thi rtalrlok ^ . I ."i ./ '.. ,. ,, i a?h«taJSW K5S pwneMii* i^Ftw^IrtsS i I rocvca::l a=nf diij!\cl or Ibrn *,v-;>"iu'.:ii.>.i" iaereise ip« Mnount lo -;.v »»««« "W uiulet Ulc bi^ence-of «* corruption, calle* tjryism, as you my perceive iimn -ny v";lri- and l,-.,m whenX,fa es-indP ro c.orwiSb e remenV beied only, to be detested. The subjoined correspondence w ill serve to shew "the manner in which the sword was presented by the ladies, aud received by the gallant soldier, who has thus rece'tred the merited onpiob-ilioii of bis frir country -women. CttiLLicoTiii:, At'0. 13. Sir Has to 11* Ihe reflectiQM tireoient. Ci ,. : ihc .i,,,... ti., #t(Trt 7' «fi !! IW II '"-- 1>'> »., .,,j.|.,,, m *hicb I made when in rcBurdened with this mass of .i-nftotiw'i^wch t, rt.voimili'h >=. : Ina ia ri|:(! ,' j,-, D n-bich deatrovert , my r *t better ,.* - 7^-.lv\\-T>^*l\ rtr.i^^.oer^ ,: ' rvs-dullolis, IjfWSS deSirOUS , - of ^'ifyill? Let every one make his own comments. '· Es'p. Sawyer, "Sir Information is here obtained that one Curtis C'oe, en inhabitant of Barnstead, IN. H.] is apprehended and compri-ons at milted to one of your We beg Three Rhers as a spy. leave to represent to you nnd soliinvestigation of licit your attention to an We are ihe cause of his confinement. very confident from our acipiBJnlance wiih Vr Co*er ami his character, politics, r Stc. tllBl his object is fur from beine uu.0 the motives which induced friendtj yonrgovtittmcntin repelling the attacks made ..ii you by our executive. His pnl itir* have uniformly been, what we style, slaunch federalism; ami hi- object we believe to be noower wanira^ctng with y.mi citizens in defiance of some of our hiw For this we do not commend him but lor this we humbly conceive your government will not undertake to chastise Ifhis designs are manifestly and omhim. -- 1 j by many a vih fimt only fit to wear an j nk« of iron, and tn be kept indue miI-jkIkhi by gag-laws, and made to know that Iheir station in lite is a subordinate one, and that a corresponding deportment is of course expected bom them. In America, as yet, Buch cspeclations are not lo be Here every man (lint is sensirealized. ble of what he does, his Creator, bis enimIry and himself feels the earth sustain Ihe pressure of his foot with as miirli firmnefigas die most haughty of his country men although he may not claim unumftewmlured (Hit to the fortieth part of an acre, and has no other resource for niibsistcnco -- but the severest there is try lei toil. my country -- and me float or sink. Whae liberty limits with my coun- From the Democratic Press Th^ Mayor of Philadelphia wonld dr» great injustice to his own feelings, as well " I ' j to the examplary, the unexampled g °d conduct of his fellow citizens of the city of whose police it is his highest pride to be Ibe chief magistrate, on such au as -ra'.ii ,--r>l<.i,F ,M,n:r.l ,n,,r,,nl ii-.. m sach -.bft-cs niy ,. n I" US« pmnbii* ai uabiOoS ami cMi ,na<Tint lovt Ul Knclanil. Began by contemplating (lie I : lensibjhj hostile to yourwnoL^sosiE regu- lalions " e would by no means be consid- occasion if he did nol avail himself of the ordinary charmers of public acknowledgment to reluru his thanks to thnmall, withoat distinction of party or dcirrcc, for their orderly, sober and nnt -\r.vp mn.ibk deportment onthe ni^ht oflbe late *;»«*n-' did illiiminntion; ii-":'i-i ,-., -. biftre pioviJe-l .""·' hi oiiain*! p-\orai.hall i* prwii-i by ihrir uyt - mi-i's r which produced my rapid descent lli ., er il as just'ifyjng, 0J ciiunteuanc.ing him : when it was demonstWU lr,,,, .,. lv flrju, r ac iiity 1 j disftvercd Bdtea into I ":-,-c ,-b. di !· , « contontut from the open hatred :: al feif?. toes kept, ja*Van4 lm* awoont* of uiimiteslpd on all occasions a^inst tie ..i.. toh wriveal»r tbtir ·ryeral collr»- oftnslitOtion of my country, and ilie warm ,,.. \UM i'- inntpiks- jsus on th* -·[ jaiailiment 1 continually displayed for .» r. ' 19 todbeitfartkrrtnaWSfal the prfltament'eauae. bail -- !n consequence of the gallant de- fence which, under the influence of Uivine Prpvidencfl. was tllecied by you, >jie ,, ! i tJ ,, ). ini \rvi:--«il inutar ntwcpi i, w tenn»^«^ilw.lmafca!fy«rrr ,, 1( Eugng [government. ei prailfl . ) Ry this atlachoff, 1 -iii-,1, «t i>':»pf mi :. ..i i «ni| at (ti» 'Hint ·boh1 'ill nhi-n ni-1 wXnt th* oaasetbc nine to be paifffnunedi1 hi" f.,l"'ii.rv. in' til .ihii-h I c.iijld all never *-!i.o\'e actions, and wjiich inOuenced the my bei ftmc mere slave ofBritahv", Tho people and hail abominated foreign influence, Sec, itthall I'-, hilt... »>r 'li' .111',' i/.rlh.'.rfftnrM, That .tflV-iil rn-p',rnti n to severely punished a ..'i raeformy that irresiitabte limi'iil in the 'j-iioi I utdcavjseoj' Brit' to destroy and die troops under your Cpmnjandj ot Fori fettphnson ai Lower Sandusky, on tuc 2<1 insl. the ladies of the town ofChilicoihe, whose names are undersigned, iLrprchsed with n higQBense of your meri: Boldier, inula gontleman,and with zretit ciin6ifi-i.ee on your piUriotisin 41111I valor, presentTou with a jwukd. Jlu/ur Qturgt Croghxtp. .i . His lancuace and conduct with led that public exidtnlton for the victories us ha* uniformly belied even the sem- ofour gallant mid iiiiiticihle ebai ;pioii e in '« j" s[ nerefsary and glorious war, can he bin,, eof.inenemy to your government. orouy ofy...m u-'i'j, s in repelling all meas- enjoyed in Philadelphia without disruihures winch oar Executive fiaye tried to ance.ftnra riots, injuries cr breaches of therein. , j ; We tliink that after you ha>« examh^ed his conduct, you will with us unite in jonreudeavors in liberating him from confiriemant, and suffering him enforce. the peace. j ' In all free countries ia the blessings of ffltu lilnrly ; inevitiddy accompanied pi-evail contrariety of op'utinn concerning public affairs ; : peareahij toaulurn to his friends in this Slate. Our pereonnl acquaintance ha^ political purlies iu Ph'da- been BomethnA ; like two years : our ac- '< crisis their Bt.W-t ofthi ibailjjt ,.. ,,; . t i : i ibe 3i'l corpuraiiuu ro»il <· h- oat ,i t to tM n-fR's nr ia*«0'>V«Tii«)t frr ir ».u \ cnnOfxtion lilll ^i lia*>!c t i"il lni«' i - am. t-j therefore jutijreil, I , ni ij · -.!!. t ("---ii ' my political opponetre, turn their Battery it was cecessaty M»-v Ma-> Fo.U,', Sterrejj K-t*." at On, i, \, *ix« ' I lont untti tell .i ,. 'i T 1 ' "K , .'t, tn-fiirtiany contt could rtse ! upon themselves, I buly by thtir fall from public the people bs Ann £ Crrightoa ./.I r f ighion , Ann M ' fl. l)ann qunmta*(ce wiuVhis character and politics much longer and sir, by interfering and using your endeavors, so* far only as you with your honor and ran consistently situation in restoring ! delphiaas elswhere ; and at (lie present animosity is naturally at a* unusual pitch. I The last notice for the festivities on Fridayshort, waa very and the Mayor felt all the ; i responsibility which* devolved upon Mi'ill.l K'/i l»ni to bis friends, him by ,,., tbrtcftu ;-'. ii t npyafinvioiiou k p-imlty nil n< ana ban it red doUiui* at the nivic. , i.i i-'Vr'i.'n, ft'vl estimation. r.i. I,,l,l>b f IihiIoIh- Jh,.ici TU»itr D'olillle Tm. :., 1 iVn- V nHt-I Flatf* therefore addressed Nuncy Walillo E.iiu Cnrli'le you n v as . Con io ii', . l . coAtI ; in I shMl also htrriy n-i k j\c-* «; ii-h m^y h# srVHli'.t.l Iri auef-i&a of plponi in iMm«*qu*Pc* nf iiwb n i.,i .', ,... .v^i^l i'l *n ' ion ol ,.| of irit 1 :iil-V, custom, and as « gram] djico?^ r. botdlj barged thi- bau.l of pabiotsna being adherents of France' and tools to its could n"t charge them influence, I i my it- i,., ,;-.. Maiy A Soallrard . Fok-ib D. tTh.aioo, Munjart-t M'Farlwid lHhi'iati F*treo Jdr.t "'1. will confer a special favor on your frlendaand humble servants. Aug, 16,1813. '· | issuing public permission at such a moment and under such circuraslanres for unbridling (as it might he deemed) the feelings of the ferins: community, and suf- STEPHEN WILSON, of VViihirptin City. lUiiimiiah Iiaio Jni' i I ". Evaai iji-uiih "THOMAS CARLISLE, "BENJAMIN BOARDMAN, "WILLIAM LOVFJOY, -- even thuugh tho joiceing tion. them lo lake an extraordinary ran^e coui-e i^i' innocent refur iheir r^mnoac , t , t- v i< ..i, \i\r ; ·_ '·' '_· ii i !',- ensrt .;,»:. 1 r 'nip-i-Tii 'it it : with subjection llial to Britb>h tin- influence, as the Dtl-iiio, Irv '.hf.nur ,1 III Oi-.J.J :l.l ll» o-rf furlKfl would 1 revi* fin public 1 mind fHitttd.'l^K' »lim'i«' i Maiettifi tvl'taabuig Mmji.irfl Mill*! Wary Ma.) was markcu out direc- H- nr.,-,!.:* of lull. political crime of which n*a6 have ever been extolled by ihe fir i» i i.n l ' ii'i ii'ii'l ibftlt ttmouni to >·! ii a P'jstbdh Martin Nuor.v M'Atlfcut .1,11,1- iiidi y-in >i:ill|iir . ill i" Hal Euilty highly Curtis P. Biown, Jn.r Hii lin i\aat y KeiT, ihibaiiiir H ,ti|;h "THOMAS from Me EAftlES." 'I -li»n b» tx.i'n.lr kiiig Udell · i iri'ftc pOTfhlliOOl mrbl-iil aait fnarn'-. .ni'l l*dV« )irr c nlum in'i · ptrwanoia di*i*nn, lo ht Rh-iT(:ii«(il liy thi< I i British, now 'tin? peace parly, 1 my i^i- bt'Coy Fallen 1, i : , ip ! . . Bnt their conduct during the whole day and night of Friday last has proved most Gratefully to the Mayor's anxiety, iSf m6sl honorably they ' .-I'., Wn.ihipgtpn - Kni-.lfri.rtt Juurtiat. geHioua fabrics tto pei - 1. e -'· Mi-bid m Tl,' pUbJig newerrathcreigttfij Uttar by , l.viMiui 1 ->'l... 1.,. l n Sally Uartbascon M'LHfa THE TIMES. FEnERM.lS'L'Shavf said, to themselves, that th* dbcens of Philadelphia are worthy ofevthat erj coruldeocfl ' that can he reposed in t t ni nfthe Pnllsil Blnt«, in nn<1 tfi 'ilii'iti ii ilii- Mi, f .!. nil luTOtr l>cCii "f n fur nrtJ, ami u lb -h'H latno longn ooll'n-tjn.i »svl aoaipaay ibaU armoa^ty r ' iii-r« "& Bit l!i I i . i' the British party, werje tkmbisd-'. with the " highly i'ii[.Mil.inI tliH (ivery, , 'and the ri- CkUtitotb; Aug. H. could, and that they were determined to iie Lliti nilministralion out of office and it ; . th' ir ! dinilountalid bandied CrOm one m *» f· !* n" rotflid oirrail ciiiti t>( tb; '"'i-rlc-l, aud brilltantlv illaminaled intho / and all Ihe popular an.usemenbTTM""'^ indulged which are common on such 6e« IS. 1 occasions, wilhonl accident molestation if en: p'r-Ktn "' pw*oi»] ruling in or iliirnif pnl. iva- deiliired lo huve L'-en perfoe- phiyi d in tlieir d. fence against (he cue- SrpatrlqltC Barton is not suffered to rest in or Injury kin'l, or Ifivlin^, ri.liliii ur of any kind AI ten u'cbifk the I inI medstthe iastigati in ul" French inflatiice. mies ol our country, on the 2d insl. in (hatinmioou peace which ihe departed/ li^htawere exltngnlshed as rccomincnii irins aAybOWM, sharp, hoesor any kind of '"li-iH^b The repeal of the gag-law, of the odious ibe tm in irnhlc ibT-nr-e of Fori Stephen- huve been entitled, from the earliest ages ,vd in Ihe. Mayor's Proctamation and full I* nh.ili li" nn inbll >:i .', -b:ill jn f,y prrva't cat*, bar* '" fine*, or ut.r »n> and of the alien law, Trails of led- sun, in id in (he signal defeat of tin- com- in Ibe must barbarous and uncivilized re- die ili/.ens went iieaceablv anil happily ,-,, 1 iy OTpame«,prpaii i!i,.ivi-b anv t ra |^, Nl ree iinpiu>jd to tlie'sarae liioi.'dnritishl'nrces and tlieir indian allies gtons of the known earth. soutwe r rfaatisnal with uo other than the ··'-'· UnitedibeTore ibsi nUce. They eom.oi. (Ms The old slabbered of French poR-jmosl aggreeable reccollucliona and reStalesoccame a see time liberated surety; of theu\respcfcl to then- youthful ey i- reiteraled the m.-nltof Terreau, as fiections, h»*aliiIafl,or do any at.tor tHaf, aitb intent 1 01 tval* Uietorii f»r paainj th-'m-.-b ft ira tyranny, aiid the people prosperous soldier, believing it will !»· mure accep- (hey term il.is advanced as proof posr-j Th- Itftfycr cannot deny himself the ' """ '" l 'untei 'bi< «'. , »»'h -i-r. «n grid happy, l! · V et, such waa our incuusls- table lo him than any other they could live of French Influence and baae sub eordinl gratification oftlrta public peknnwl ia«,f»r fVf^anrtjo^s,Aairforr«3l 01 p , eill v had the aJwinliry (0 astert |ireaenl,and in full confidence that be mission, both havmga terrible effect on pdgenienl to Ihe universal and iinexeeptl,at J"^' r °f ^-V""""'- rekched a- will never ii*c it unworthy the high char- Ihe conduct of the Executive, but men rtonablesrjod conduct of die citizens of T «»vrn-l th Knar Inqrr IRan imi itollan, m actefhelujs aus'ainetl. hriv,- my 1-- 'irrofihr j.-k*. with aactt,' imh« vn '** ' ,,,' Atlantic and ilire'ct. il all our naof common tljsceniment see nothing likjB Philadelphia-- in tiie full reliance (hat if ., The iiiiti.J., id prestuil qati dun iiir.n i.i.'. ,,.|.rr,i ,rTni,i". liounl counfljls. 'II" > request major CrOglian, to pre- eJUhei in a vagabond letter never offlt iatly future signal victitries over the enemy p-,.,(,i f ',u ,1^.,'Iodi twti'Hulf.Hibiir.-.'oth" ;,.,]." i>.irtu, had hum ., raltyiog |n>int f 1, llieir .turn Rp] batlon and thanks noticed.--The history of the western ··li.. old call for farther festivities, the pub'"' Tl,t1l!l0 "-k'-nmiiu imitation of The AU b. Uiej ; md sobpors of hi, heroic p.suircctt«n isaeaJu brotighl on the ci-r- lic decorum will be ,15 great, lau! Ommrit nnd *be pub*"" " forbear mentionm^tKe Itltle b.md, lor Ihe gsllard manner in pel, with all Ibe fal-e coloring that Ihe av,rT ',. ' i,,, uav«°o pwi by WibbW lic demonstrations pf jay greater than ev-neb »etup comiiariaoib of" French v (hey bocouded nniir^iy a ctj hih bis views, and maiii- beet of them are masters of; il.e virulence banncH iriatini t,. load up "i ib« er. JOHN BARKER, Mayor. ·! far »' th- linjlu o',!.. iiulueoc*, French Influence--behot J the ,, ,, lainedthe uosxuial confiict. of their boasted lalttjobj is uatlered to and tbrii f.i>m Philadelphia, Sept, 27, 1816, extta<l oolhsioalj respetivtly, hotbannnt anger of Napoleon; the finger hfrtftpoteThai Ueeren may priisper yon, sir, in fro [ike poisoned arrows, Brebnnida ami btvanv O'-btt eonVSDItnt R>ad or TM.,y hy i.u"-- inattlieoniin'jin'j wert fi trjj stun; yui," tulura inihiiirv career, they earnestly deaib, and were they nosaesaed t,f the . frt trhirb tb-/ «ny o^«, fjtam cmt pari 10 anncd wi.b r,,i in,, .,ni elarhbr. D aj " 0,fn f,ora "" paMnreof Ho»Kvery pit) Blad property of the ballisk; whoBc very Other o»t tberrof, mij' Lull (<H pj>»mp no Mil » k-r-wsil PlMpi ,n fflm»bory,onotBboni«ta boobj " his 1,... .- 1,1 >li-u " FTf, sir, in bjmalfof tile ladles 10 loclBty of (00k is destrneti n.hovi soon would the lam pike. Ol --^'l,a,l,rkhr,.»-DH.,r i f,r ataral iiisian.'esuf l-'i'ti; bi.ifiiiriiee in th B AV. Ci [ii h'n .i|.li eovi r.>pect, your very tongue of RepubticaDJsin be BilencSjU, fill ; lar,»Hba waro»hiiri|hlll»gtfi, tho-1 no11: pieKntalivta ^uetik<ror;h* 'l it American party, If aaindi'-idual prcf.r- humble wnants, VI. 1. '.'"" ' i:, -">-><it nnv 1:. 1. nbeevei vfiJir^ \ '! 1 KL FINf.F.V, red French china to Eqglisb omckery The in. -I glarli " iM Horss to tbt snhacrioev.oTirn nets of Rrrtjsh viols« Vi»-Pr**tilent oflhe 1T,,W,,I K(|,'~,, an ,t « French hound to aoEuglhthmaBiRy, of J08BPH Icoi ,*«< (,fthc 6« nnle, coi Irani. I, d ;" *'» " he may be fosnj.aban hertaP glossed oj or as Pruniih eonk to mi a nearded anJ an neneaw dtarws Kugtbih soulhon.we Capt. A. D.. ft. M.Geu, a- Is oftmpnrious or s. vcte oect iwiov*.!, jciy is mia ej.uitii|;ty p/mleii biui out as an a. lb;«A MTJBJ V I.V1A0 JAJlkS MAUISON 'ffjcr GcOfg* Crogheui, Many ofthsm, wlulu U.«y canuol rVtlions P"il.tv ·ouUmitE, M*j».Oet It versally, evenin.', ilr-Tr-Tii of'hr 'lipf n**' IU iind of ihrir amount otetWK) ;v union to the pitnlily, - ii- lo nuriflc then «W ' c-iil comt tn rrn *, !'><! jar'brri.nnc'r. ('!'!;. i< *ail * ii l"tt* --hail - Str- -A= agents to carry into eaicct the Would si t n , from their mighty effort al ladies bf Chillicolhc, we [present that they are now in Ihe very Inre^ith tmnsioit yon by express a swoan height of their husuies., or rather (hat i.iMitbe FrencTl language, were reputtd-t which they beg yon to receive of them, they are in Hie fn't tide of unsuccessful lo he tbeastuls of France. Every patri- as a testimonial of tlie high, sense they experiment, The dead are bhrnncMilly niin net accomplished by the Auieiiran entertain of your miliary talents, as dia-l belied, and the nshcs'of the faithful and other.' i.u end of the Yeteuckh) the abr- prwumreof the decorum ami tood habits. whole day was dtvoled fo pubfie recitation, g city containing One hundred and twelve thousand inhabitants was um(),ie that n totally unacquainted I 1 : -- , m , i . ] , i , [1^y^rf£^1%i£Z 1 ---- I 1 1 1 1 j - , . -- We , 1 ; . u TM We , , 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' ' ti^'^l^r , . '. Jmo " , ,. ! , K ' TM 1 I n j . - i , , , , i , " ^ i , : ; WHEATON, 1 " j ' m ', '

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