1812 History

American Mercury, Vol. XXX No.1527, 5 October 1813, p. 1

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! . - J, HARTWKl), CONNECTICUT, PUBLISHED BY EL1SB3 hABCOCK [VOL. XXX.] t\- SON, (PRINTERS OF 6,1813. THE LAWS OP THE UNION.) [NO. TUESPAY, OCTOBER, UlCtlARDMOKTAUuJ MtWSiX i;n | il)', i, , QIt« GURKEV. L (BV AUT1I0R1TV.) from a -iiill jiiMici' i of the. ·'.-,:. [>·, i , , il'thi if AN ACT To wM i "' BJMPf",! iKhMfll 'J i . 1 J I.iver Oil qnnlrtj foi &Gurrey, of the best incoqiorkte 6 tompuity fi ninkintr a certain turnpike ruatt iu (lie not '.'..., .. .-,.;., and ttie the amount »halt Bnmdne, in i> (Mid twenty Uallatn, »me be re- iigttkrr nail laa unr. »'i <» -.i ift/oi^oii / ; Cun-ifi-V aee,.ftf sale by tiumty of Aluxfuidria. m .-*'., vill .< m ma an i< ' (o ui Mi l! H i!l'.mt, Sf[ii. 21. I' JOHN DULLES. 26 of hy motion, id the name of ihe -.it company, on ten days notice or by actional' covered in (hcusQ&l conrne'of jinlirial ptoceedinge any conil of record in (Iib Uifilrirt of Columbin; au.lin all inhlanrc* where the p bo fuihng to p iy hi* I., -1 >llni,-,.( cannot be lound intbemidnuinrt, then recovery »hall he bml af;:.ni..i nun by -M, ,i in.- Itni judicial proceed' :, ( null mi I.) ii., i.i v of (be ii.inai',in HE it enacted by /.' the Senate uci I j( d .i">, iy..' >ui i.' .:i » hi '.ii uViMr.i ........ f, V. Ivfltl V .ny JItnl. m-, ' n <' -i .i'ii-.-um.'j « ie [Ml.i Ci»l ii."; 1. S, iu- 1.'. .'."I II. nt, tioniu in an t run reic ..iuiilie*, B anta * t-, '.Fll.il... ( .1.', ,-, (, .-.*.. Y,,I-,«)' OI ) I.. i| , ,c »., Iivlj) Jul :,l-i|.|f p*1 hri , Stit'BBPl *& vii, 1 mil » itac** blue i>ri-jerttuiices of' the and House Untied BlaUs of law -i Vii ftrALU, Aim Il.ir- ... n i i N · , it . tli^nnlonr !Ii;*<. tuj .it a twvgrtm fbrC«nh , WAOO IM WAGGON /(·; in Congress iwmihIiUiI, Tlial Wiiiidin Roliineon, Cli;irli-s Lvf, Charles num MBKUUT RANSOM>.. (i:.|,|....i, ill. St. IfBi i . Oinghausnn ami fi-l ! -hi- iu-t ! [i ; ... . iiiyni, ( hfspj fuii.i'u e Gflidll r · > J|fl; nab fiiiatine, .1.. · Ci ..", * In irk. color* I .iu-l.ni.ki 1 j id ii uili ..'.-.'. '.. ......« . i ., A larm i*l.w"(nienl ·· /A. MANO ru'i). Ifii (it's i»ii . CARD l>1 m ft CAflW, lavriptloi), t><<-: J> HI.Nt, ii" .1 ..-.;> vioihi-r.1 \Vli-, RtlH Mint « D-v". I nniKj nmi i 11 ·' Ck« I i I i ·> i- , hiD' h ., bin K. crap-, 1 _ :.., by s*pl 5:i Alltn /"' iiihinl Juiihi mi ;'. Tbouiaa 9wttHi Roberl Con way iititl pliilin Ridiard Ferntal, ha and Insuch '1,-i.ui iu,- Iib.I1 found and in all they ure hereby nppoiatcil aboard oi'cont ..- mi., i.in-,. acliobi, the otrtiU mi -iuiin -, a njajiiT-ily of wliom lu cjjnsti vit ui the clerk, oi m ,().-. of !> bhiiI ^ tult a quorum, with full poww to revive cunipany, ! >ii be concliinvi> cvl leme of (he aud enter in such book or books as they deteniiatiis hung ,j member of the company, and ·! m proper, by lhe:nselv«3 wthcii prima facie evidence of ttieumonntdne on (he Alcirtiider, i ,. i ., "' r I..- ,- nt. ami oiraroad »n laid onl sbnU be i.. pie.l jvb turnpike road, and public h".£hnay forever and the raid preMdenl oirectore auJ eomp.uiy may therenp'ni proceed to c/ilet up* ootbe tame, and shall ca ioc ni least tnenty foor Teet in breadth, ihrour.boul the vhnle 1enf:irl thereof, 10 be tna-le an anrOfial toad of (tone gtavel, or olhcr hard snhsiaucc, of lufficiens to ireorc a solid anil firm deplb or ii.j. .1, road, with a (iirfaM ns *moolh o«lhe niiileiia'l will admil, and *o nearly level, tbat il sbull in no rale rise or fait mote than an nuiile oj «i'h ii', ii line, and the moil el.1 .. I- ii.i-.-.- 1 · 1 1 :i ii . ii ;> i i.i- . 1 1 1. i -iii , .- " ,..iiiiiv htaok Ba.w-'.i.< ai ·. plat I an i- : i. i'-h. Riven '". k f&-Or\'r-<<i:r-rhJlD Bilk*. '! «rti « v>...... Pi;ks, Cam'ci 1 '>' 'J :<.r , . ul.J ' I i ii nod /^/ h/ Harf- agents, subscriptions for rfiishyj a vcuiilul -...', of eight Uionsoiiti dollars, in shares nf Inly dollare eR«h, (·< lli.- pUWiose ofo- ·bare or shire*, held hy turb di.'endtnt. Sec. inch J-. And be ., it furtlu-.r marie/}. Khali That upon 1 f 10 eiu ef PI >W»tioc w!iit( ji i. .,'. fonU'wl-OJioe, n<H btatttndetlfo. t B) tun ii.' c "<·<.< .ii.ai.l m. k -.. [i ' ... Oimw '· ... Ap-ir*'"'! -e Cilhi" .... i.ir ii ntark«nu!h |m. .,,.. fi j. ti'k 0). ».., "ii |.., n . .';<· i mi .;, /i. ..hi n i.i ,.Mc-!-- um rqheMdi ., i .if*" Id "icriiirii, bTvt* mil ni.,11--, i. . i'..< |j ... hki'>^ -,,_,, ;,i.. |i-i».m ii.. lirweu | | cnncoiUI *fll ilint i*- BS /;.- | .f; r | . > . , |, i ni'.Di :.,. quire ii] mhte &,- irhuh .. i'i t. - ii I. he llu'i.., .;..... o ii ir.H of i On Blate 'Lot-v. tvi r|11IG l>l-tyl.-' Ol :i. ,.: ,. · Il-nthl fl m -Ml . t'.V of J 'h v lilPl r hi* §.'v->i N- -Y >rk, -. .i -i ,. < ; ' X H winr»W*C : W« S|« SKpl.IO Bro;SE v.p is biBD a ',[ TH \.UKVA IAVLOH C3 tublorihtv i,.(.iili. tniiii-iii.' ol'lhi a ': Id dkik r.vj MAUE.Iip- «nd improving a road Bounty oFAfes&dria.raflic Distrit-.i ni CoWrribia, fnui Hie iotenfecCwo of ffest-stAjet and Pendleton btroot, in (he town of Alexandria, ti Ihi? bounjlnjiy Iinof tin- Dhitricl ofCdluiohiB, in Die most tlirRCtiiTiil practicable rorile Uuvanl. Leeshu'rg, ooDiortning as nearly aa sliaD be fuund ndVanlagcoiis nud conrcnicni lotbe in the pciithj, gtavolling the wild p.diduil ri.'n-. ml j.' and cueciorn ii unci at (.... .;i be .i-'.i-.l roadshall tlieicoiler he tupt in noftd and fifed rrpiir, and »liereK)c»ir opnn (lire <iid itjnd any brliigelhullbo decoieii nece'sury, the Mima shall be iiuill ol sound and tood rcalehals And incase either of the raid cotninigiiuncm -boaid die or ifl'nsc to hci, or brcome mi-apacitatcil, or shonl.t lie removed hy ibo court for mi.'roiidncl,thpj,:tid court na.»; appoint au Other in hi" place; ant', vtan in Ihe opinion of -- lor tranearliniitb'jr hn-stmv., nt ti hi-.li in-e ; ina* an)' tb.-ee iiicmbaik ioall lorm a ouoioro. who, in ihe nb;ei)fe of tbr. preddent m^y choose ' in br«,i I the said pre-.meul and daier'iiv ihe raid rOftd feet it* completed lo the extent of twenty fnnr ..h. ihe aume sliall he rs -rnincl by itti c ii.in'i"ionai^o: n ch\innaii, and ii, i tnrir ii-anrn,'lion", ihnll herp miiuielji of all fairly cnleieil in a hook ; .; s-iiil i il i.i thr opinion oftbint, or aay 1*0 ol them; jnd any l«") ol'thr-tn, aid p i:ii all · i.i ,,ii .i ii:.'. I met, Ihey ii., .., i ', " hnre fell i ;ialtiotily i.,i". ,i. .(. r, and olhir otfii'-ere nece»-aiy andc mvceirul, and road ehontd have been rnmplclcd to the es' eft I ol twenty-four feet in breadth, accordi.-gio the rainaiog of thh act, they eaall certify the said ..... t I piirfrf ,.j · tube ;i-.i..f ) i-»r- '<<!' ill' . ,- rlti ., .i'i!h liin.l (Vet , i.ii.;: it« I I' .; J mi ..;· '. i i.'itu . . , v nt, r t«tfltti)' t'.'-i rtaj · , ' "- r -ton-: !.i 5*-, ami lak.-h*f nway. : > U*i (i->t, paDfrnl hei Uil tn- fatfti ,n-i3tiOM on.-- Tb* |"l/ etlftlfir.ivc propeii/, 1 ! h-Iii'i' ic. main road, lettrtlipg froii the said towanls'LcesbiTrx, ottbrou'di the county of Alexait'dria aRireWiitJ:' Propresent intersect inu pfrftrf, l^rtt min end app out alt each ?'J:vey«rs, inEtadenti, m'l'ls oi oilier ageuN, as they shall |Kilge ne-.j, iij-, In c.irrj on (lie intended tti>ik: .Ii, i. and to i'.. i. ua^esor e"inpen!.iii mi to di'Cct and or<ler Ihrtimea, manner, an proportions, when and ia which the stockholders i'i , nam ,to ihe rain circuit coon, orUipjit.h^..i|ni. d niit ot .-.ini-1, an.llbfii t e rlifir.i'c being accepted by the naiil coici, ot any two jnd. e*»t!ler<*o', nno rei'or-led, tfiecnid pn .'..knt And Lhf , . I Ali,k\ N'>Brn 55 Tb&t nt) *uhstiri[iti m sliall '.> recei- i h.hj i\r f ·Ultl LUTW i. . ul -i npji in(. i ('. *'" i'i'i-r.T-1^ .' j . T-- }, ,.' ii -ii .' Hcrlin.StiJ' i St. we Vie. i . fir;; «. ml] ni enil t'.ii WAN flio sum of five d-dlars are first naid into the hands ofsuch a^i'id or other ved tffflesg iiits . thMM.i · ! -r - .f i I it.i|> i,i., hi -ii; ..ii I'i- Hi M"n l«ya I: i I ia .. ."i-.» i nn g .-i I Ji:ihi;v Bfl (n h .! ntxi, » 9 o' --11 :i 1 T II .'."<> A.ilv.. Jv.nS .in AujitwaticM loiho persjn as the saiirtstnnmiasioners mXy authorise to receive it. The times, places p»y monirc«rlne omheir lopolive 'hitics. to draw orders «n the treasurer (Of all monies due from thn saiil comniny, and, generally, to do and tmma-.i'aU rack othn milters, n-ts, Il ii.i · n a*i by Ihe bye-faWK, mid, and shall i , director* *hnll and rnay thireal lei cietl i»nd fot one gale and turnpike upon end wrtniio tho rai i load, toicoltert the udl» bereinafxc grants lid compauy ; and it raatr tie la*, 'ol for Ibcai lo appoint t-uch. ui,d no many toll iratheui-astbey shafl tJe*m Wone»ry, Iqcolleot ed to the i : and : i lions of i,.: cimp.in; ', ihalt he required or receive of and from all nnl at try pemjii ffi p-r"on»u;i^!(lhe"-jid mac, the toll* untl rales P tnp I I :n "liny uii^ii..'-- .'i..' , n l«ftfl flENRir DTIER. ji and manner of receiving and enteajig subbe proscribed by the sm\ coiiiinJssinnor^ and advertised Insnchgascriptions shrill peemlUed. beninafler mentioned, andij o- p*i< iueri ting, li-aili"(j un> p.rsja bore- oi JiiVUuauy lh..lJ-;ii g ; b . mh . i"'!i ('..-.l.ii HDtn, ) iiv,. N n BooHMrtdinyiuall * ' i,' .'i v {nlii f .M.,nly or Rllhm, f . ! iti'DtaAEhwemca.'i- h--i .'i i.i ii -i .: llflil ' i .vl i 1-.,. i, !,!. i.. Andbriffi.rthn-enartr/l, That npoa application of the faid pretidenl and tli Sec. fi. rs', : innlee, entile, h'tti, sheep, mlky, chair, rlmiHt phaeton. rltaiiott, coach, cart, iraRgor!, "i-i,h, i iecli. .ll^C'I.AHK. F:. :. .1 j n ( it lord, ·: .i '. ->j btate- A\S. .. Com'u. *i S p.'.i.d .-in. IB J Wtnlh.'i, tVpi 17 trayed or ftoleil, ' On? t \ ok.ir ol linen, .mil t II. FOU SALE. Cwl ,·,.!.· -- a naff IJ| fflth iiit> oubft in O.i rffitry,on ItloofeW »: the ( nin 5 n ........ -2 h.dils ..i. H'HiiE, inn y .'*v*.. l-i, a i.jul li rti;.iT, ibirk --I, ni mi on In* f<i lufilvn, mi -it I tfie^n.ime otthf ITiaoM 1 derm cupeiu'enl and whenever 1 hundred shares of more sdidl be eijuscribed, lliecr>rhini^sinneh$,nr jnajority of tfiera, aTiad give notice yi some newspaper prinlcfl in the ?aii District of a lime and place, to be by tfierj) appoiataettesas they ihay ; jirlger thereof out of cd,ior I Ijl MENBlB f| IAK'. I" . ,.;u ·< BBfiTEtl a Fnrk . n i I j1, s-iio; iliiit niO!» on llin iwiA .icci oil tlio aotecribers t-i pwaned to oryn'-i'llie enrporcttnn, by an Bloction n! lo Ihe circuit or la the court, Ihe said court, or ant t«o of the judges thereof out of court, iliatl appoint thee, com wit-inn ere not in'.erc.-ted in any of lilt laodrj through which the said rrft l may be fjid out, nor ioiere<ied in the nor in iii'ick oi' iI-l- company hereby creaUil. lbs « ,.k ofauy oLu<t lumoiWi lo.npaay, alio rectore ol the said company, court oftfil l>i«lhi:l of Colnmbin, fi.-), -i '" n... of burden or pleiuuie, ftom parsing ihrom/h the said Rale, until tee said tods ?hilibrpaid.diati«tofny ; For every jc.irc ofshiep.fite rrrrafor everv Jcoie olh^E» .ii rfO ' cents, for every «c*re of cattle ten rent-, k in propai-ltoti fur n Kiealer orlees nninlirr i for every htme or nude vitb a rider, three rents: -li'iil i- c ir.h r.-'eive I u( [lie nil prejideiil, lli rec- i iiir iij IninTflfl · -- Jin sv Ml-, iin ; i icinKi ii.iiir lln fi officers, and at! hi E ill I> i' in;, ifii^h I'lolrl iroli or tlieriufter persona who tna^thno he may become the proprieh|(S etnolt, U mi ! Stpl ', i ;. MiDlMirot, often ihiftifte.-- IV'hocvei (rill re 1. 1. rail] Mimi' ««>1 thiffil it'.'iqi, -.i ,11 cJucive 1 1 of aliafesiu the said captbtl aH subscribers for thti either legal '.ii : M. ,,i Ii 1,-ai »..rk' , i . ih- < >·^^^ n» hi it,.- i-k?-- Icn il(.|l»ts,»nll'irBMillip)troji, ro*ion»*!e ie 'ii' I, ii nlj] eilbo: i:a.P All lM-cM>iry ctiirgJW [i.i.i same or aaQte representatives, successors oras»gnees of atich litlhs'crihers, shall Ji.ilitic UnO»c»a irij^fti i!<i:f! to p.,r? . fI0|MrtJ", Vs1 ? t». by MA.TSJU a0WAii:». ' become one body iTi.i l.iL. p-r ..i.it jCu».-niry. Srvi iip.NJAsjin r.ni;v»oi tTJn^i-T.HfpdniJeriS, 1913 iy the ti N'TIijEiihirrh)-..-1 DOMfiSTIC A. M. WM^-HOUSE. M I bntttoa in V.L, (n'.-iir Wiul.or, liiivn.p.l, a" p -·jt in ihewtaitfjfSAjSlOBUM \Hgives, i) anil Lr'i^btirgb and corporate, i;i d«ed wul in law, name and style of the .A'.c-andria Turnpike Company, and .' impjnv, in to Uto lollau for eveiy day they shall r«;p«iu*tly be acinalty qeOMnuiily -i^ eiapliycl, id or naont tbe tuXtireiif Ilia cna»p*i>y; and ca.hoftheiJtil cnnijiiHioiieii, dull t, I, .'ii.l Inf...,- i.. i.' ..,,,!.;. HCi ,1- Ml h :n'>Mriti"i oh'Ii, <>r ·.d.ai.i arnimi'ion, in I'i' pit.T »ue of a j-i'i.-e of tt\* peany, Ilio he trill v,-. i: 1, brolly nnl impiriia.iy,atcorr!i'iiitoUie i.i. 4-dl au/l judta-oiit, aa I Sl'i.LiiUl llnn, r, . Hy drill-,., (2 'a * and perform all Ihe · 1 1 forevery stege or ir.if,e,,o 8n, t two bomrs, »ii renin; for either cariia||r Inst rcrDli'.'ord, wdh four horse*, ttn ctntf; fot every lr«l ordri«»o hn'tcoi mnle.one cent; for every Milky, etnii, chaiie, «r cjtrtia^eof pteanore, with two *be(i» aiidon»hnr"f,tivr crntri fn every mach chariott, paneion or ckaise, with fnar r,beel( and t-.il In 1 1 ten nioeotnttj f.'i any ol tin- Mid win car* ttqgMlttl i eut.. , lor elevta nii-ntii'iii-d vttn h or hoirc, every other caTtiuao of pbr.-mr, coB- , der naulevreunmeitmav the li^e "c- i.ordiua lo the nniolwrof wLttHand inni>1v«nt, (oj(ij)-ar i*:ol.il-, WAWRINER. :a torn* ttpftMOtail tifote the H.m J;i i^e ui dit'ci.i of Hjrti'H'J, in iniil Ii.lKc!, oalhafi'*'. Tiiji X ·' TWFOH».» yt-^tl I'.im u ^lort ' Ik ...\. hahai ...^ally o.io-tn-wt, ncKi J-.inbrn-f(.:vin« >up|il>- tt(2i>'uiickl*. 51 nto "ii. 1 \y of .>i;ih.i- n.\:, ii Ihpy -*t.i>i-- t,> lubi'ii.*pp'»iu'm.'ot iV nnniiionu^ lit a I, hy Hip KHine name sliall ttave perpetual der Ibe pia.h teciion ofUie act of Cousre-i, enrisuccession and all the privileges belong- lied " An act lo inaoriiOrate a couipmy fni ing- ton corporation: and ohati be capit inafein; ^r'ain tnnip'tii' road* in tlu liiiirirl ;'* which oat'" or afiimotion rn bfe of taking and boldin? thetr said Capi- of Colombia rabscrihei: and certified by ttu jttftice.in whom tal stock and the profits thereof, and of pre<«nce they «^^ll be severally lakeq and hj!iif datiferionirrdoi htm a^ a comvni«ri'ii>r,r, no- p.'o'wuinn wfqrif. \ . iM BJ*. alSfi OZSkiA nset! nia ritrriage of ptvu*or( three rents frn eiu-h draefing Ihciaui*; toi*<«,iy tie Voi dtsgli urirtlrt»a rn- i-nsfuf liufdrt l»o renll for each honfi rlrn«iae!the Mtne : forevery cart or w.\%giiii, "hoc tih'l*don"t tic-ed fooi indies ia ureaJth, thr.erniH (or ench hotie dtaxing tho ...i, f .:,- (v,rv cail or naaton, whese vheelf I* plial! rKcird in bua-lili funf on hif, and rv* reed -even m-h. D one and » Lelmnii- for tvrry tlir.c : -- nurivj, in I.* Vii. D..i.ti I ruin's, wbtre h-i' F-.-.i.ry, a e "ni-rril jait tiei'Uimi ( -ii trie V. rti lilo I lb kid / DtnU, . »ly W ol :ui AJWEftlC IN CO ION GJODi, iiINfla\MS, PI,ilIlH; RIKtl liV uriae LUCIV MlLt-in VI,, 6A «OEt.Ci0ffBLL Win.Uor, Bipli 18 " ,in ' , , * J enlargthgUie sam? by new subscriptioii* scribed, .h-dl lie fil-d in tiieolSJe oFtue-cierb found necessary to fulfil the intent of of Ihe .,iit tiicusl coott, Bad rtir-'h 1 am «£ this act and of purchasing taking and the Innd rotosdl of'h^ county of Alexandria : 1 · , li'Tii'diairinn the i. wuir ; fori very enrt or r.-g- : 1813 : 'ii Ii 04»J(*lulVip;ne (In. tl».' ' *' ii {M _^ '.Iv if lldjng lo > Ihemand their heirs did assicas 'nnl the s-.iil t»nuiti«Moner«, oi I, afiy, nli ill in «. pu fin mi.',- of .in simple, or for real any Hi'in,lj-.in» ·jtirtlifi'dar' nlofcui two Ol upon 'i' liv>: in, OJiirt ; lesser estate j all " u rjirtrlri, pi»au>o, FfTPEtl^fij ,1a j. if.l oi Pro^wir, ii»".h^ DmriH i>! fli r.irl butH-rihrf givp* notice, thit ht, lnh m i,. (he a · SUCh hud,, leneinents and hereditaments tbi rcfjneit ol Ihernid cattSd to b? en rvcyrd, and lili.-ptum [< snmo Ol (i i [i.irl i *idC:iti«fo; nn pf Vile rvalpron Tly i i o.'.-r ol ...il ; of nfCmiv on i'i'.hi Ota] · · I !;' :i ,'n ill rvir, pltrlV'diac- G-fisntS Ih^ulo 8 ijn Tiiil'-CIdltm-- ty ontpiTroi' Unt itlun'fd ai PrtJnlffllrJCTl, in- t.n.tf i firil i|'i.i!il)'lil*arli liri"3 thirty five Mt ft in vi-it!i etl&orKi»fVatn, i «m48 ihimM; t'.a.4'tff mid [nit /Vi.f -m dn. ilf». .il.tlc c ilorM, <lo. *o. c larse an 4 flnr Rrovn 'rireail t'o cnl Orel, .Id.-- ffbile nnd tttlor&l wtavini; Y.t;« ot IQid llTfltl, &nj -- -- cxUnliagbAcktd Ion) ; E.llur 'i'^llcnlt, uml a'.oul oiid (fin.tf.ir of BB acre eitiiMivl in tht rlh-m*i> In*, r iIl^.l in-n Ion lot, tiip wfiole .. v^lue.1 nt and personal, ai shall be ed; (Icc.ilwd and necessary aiyl usefuUp (he pfosecUtjon bounds, .ifshe nforerulil Lun.pikco'oat detoybe in th. fo-t -ro'ni of this act,, not luu.lhai ol'lheir ivork aifd" ofsning andbetDg suHUly feitm b^oadth, in faeh roows, trarls or ed, of havidg'a common sea), onjl of docdursc;, for Ihe «.uir n -p rtively, n' in Ulo ing all and every other matter and thing btWOflboil judgment, will com nine r-hiirme.-s concerning the Rubjwst aforesaid, which ufdidim^, H-itb Iha mo|J conv.iiient emuu'l, mid Hit smalh-xl, expemeof money and for ihia corporation or body politic ni,iy do. uslute I : p'Otidcut and direct dm, Irfid mil, and a-n c( ,i-. n,.irhr.!, hy aetUin mcel ii|,,,.t In lb -L.. II t.e tu..ie iliici jmco ini;,. i, ctini in Iii.ndlb, and not more lino; *':i mch-J, one «ml n niarter (eiils luf every ht-.tee draw- inches, or tttifflorr, tho * '.all be raoie tiiaii ten nul -rxr«e>litig tivehe inches, r.un en' for every lijt.'e dnittinr lhf some; and tn be ihat all t-och eanragei n" nforn-iiid irjr; the sr. iiie ; for everj - cart hreanthol tVUOSe vtltcb and ir. .irTiti lo* oxen, or tt. lie t'rarrn by (Jnloxm, (...it, to bt Mian;., by malt. UI whole oi inioxfii ihalfbee>itu>ateii etinatw anchor. e, puru<l<ei) t'i dlhrliiHriul foi Ih'i.i ionl snehi- in chaigi.K all (he afjte.it I tolls mnle «v rt|uul lo one horse. aud tvuy frjin Ni. 7ii» '· ·' i*f- aimnt five li.inilrrtl rtrjllnrt ilje ! for [lie TV ubov ·gitalin will bi sol" m (hj^o forypdets, hy wiifivijfot ivU.'i?-..lo purpiw -ii.I rifdi'frrvyins *HpaM'o( wtlleating ·! F.l'iin, unit llulthi-n til Ihur.dLiy in !)t i i i .:, ,; ,.,,. any pifficiilaT i\'. fipii-i bf pnpi>',tf.l TM -h >ri Q,i'., Iho Df>mw!ic W«m H. A Inrre nnrf wraTiuj V-irn *ij( hf fee;i!osh.iaiT,lQ put oat towmve; itlU MctiUiml* ii ihecinnity tup. nlirl with yam lo pnt on' lo Wtven, .'iil»i terttil SFi Cloth cm |iy Iravjug u pit, H-iu^i cou'l-.ii ittoply o <·' (vm)w'r Mr* i°,| u-i nvioi-k P. M, iiuppoinninU» si»l Sec, Z. .Quito HfitUitr cn<tcfut,Thn\ th-Jii l c.oaipiiiy nbtdl m-»l onihr diir.l .Hon 'i .M.ora.ifi iv, ry y -ir, at unci plncn a« »'i!tll hr lixvl bv lh»ir bye la n, lor th- purpol? i i gecl*, it"i»inio», attennantu, aslh-y m*j- liiink' proper to raiploy, to eater ao-jo a ny of ihs lanlrit'.ii-.iii.!! ... n ,u «li-Mlm said -m.mt- or Sec. iball ^ai.l In. fl. And bril farther foi mnrted, That oi in all .iM.Jivh.fp .« in, gtavil, tat lb lu.'.-i-ai) eaint lbi> niukni' or repaying hy !Bi'H.'..nrt l to mda, tmlpjs ofrhooiing «uct» ufE sen ai afoie>iid forihscn- ruffi-ienfrcawnpurr sh««nto |he torittary, C* .1 PS.TTEW, Onardirin. Hirtfotfl, EeptrniMr il 1813 tS nrine yearjio inannerftj!»ror#ja?l rc<ai dichotfi. tffrHERBABittj'.wift.fJaiaaj withopt ,,ny his .t.vp.l liuui-ny be.tli Ibj)' .>.> ttohrlt, forinort tlmn fiAeen- mxittti pnn, and aliBjIuidy rolnst* all [be iluliM ol i iiflVn thi-HtniB" to el.ip- my b nn«l.-- jn,ifiLii,e : M*vlifitnecotoraSaririhyVrTjfot H-inf.jfj, Sspl. *3. (Jtrir in "' 6176 I - V COTTON WOOL CARDS, and m ; i t ; I CJ1W WIREJrom No, . . fhn hr-rcfnreti lt> liirbid itll 2S, to pvtQoj he Imr. iriinlin- ,12. oi burhoring h-r on [.-mliy of, I ciiii'i. :,uy for r jic tty RENRVKI Rfpl.98. 1J1J.J- ZA.SAD CASE. .«. «6 erlimetaithty ah\!l h?.ruiT,mjaeil hy (he p"ni ten) and direelrJrinforcaid ; at which nn annanl or tp^riTM1 m^?|i·'p·! they s>al| havn lull p iwi-T ni;d an'lt irily to (to nod prrform nnv act by la* allotted ,mi>I pertaining to'hr affiliM OfMid eordyvny. ; and th* pmidertt anl Antetore for th.- tiinn being ·hill hoi I lidi nlii [ until oijirra hhit| hu appoigle 1 in (hole plan-* ; and t'i3 .ai c.o*p -irii'ion fliall not ho ileenic · to bt .ii - >li 1 by rrnj'in of it'iy drfed of offlners, bnli" it -li'Mild hippin nul [here *!i:«ll lie no , rn hid out, having fi'Jt givcii tw«i. . mit pnbli .n[*BpAp"t p-oitty days aoUce, ei] in (be lji-tnct ol" Col-tai'iia, oi'the nin-and place oi their ciite lingo a s«,l bo'inesf *f rniveying ioM laying OiU en,:li to id u-sp,- liv. In And if any p'.iytietor ol nny pirl Ofthe lahdi ihroBL'h nlii.h ii.- b.t io.vl may ra, hid oik, road may n rmd, and Ihe-aiii px-idenl, ditetloi. ami iT'impa-'j-ol"Ale* r.ii:( r.ir.not .ndnaand I.resliligluir.pika ! duill require cornpini^ation for f> h.-i much of his Oi -aid inu.l, in iu iy ti* o.-.cup.e.l b>- the said anrre for the i-amr, witii tbe oanrr Ojou up,.n appliiaiion by the uid p.rsiiUni and dlrtciove, oi any pen in anthori-od by them, to anyone of Ibejti'ig^^ol' Ibt ·,irl by vr^t" lt:-l:ic: COiKV he may, il helttt.aulc. tniil'.i hit hand had stal, «-(. mound lb* i. iu! tnairJialol' tbetatd di-tiict. to Minnnni a juiy thereof, roa-h or -ball d.iim d«varge5 loroi on account I . 1 nptnnu ..v hying but Lite said road thu.' bieorher Ual, nnl il tli.Haiil preii lent ,i 1(1 di rcrlort cinuol a^rce with such proprintor to oftfil" . ofthhleen iliNnienuted prcBon*, Iftrvt qanlinni to as prtii Jjioti in the tMil ciimii conrl, to meet utthe place, where sitrh mal trial hf, (i-i some ilny.nol more tbnn ten day! ullee -may I icili ik r tut ...uni, lh«i i-'t >.ri h,;. :hr sii,| i'.iiijii..inn|.r' "' Dulilnm-Ksl, g.p' 8. 2i Clothing Business, 8al)fvibei'« * >rkt for Unibovt, hi» TH*} Dt|tnrenr>7 ia op"nt,i)n -- Vhatt who ; WIIERBAf ANNA tnTjilebioid ] I DODOE, orfihnron pe:i Conmy, hrouslit hci limlo ihellda. Supfrivi (.nnt, holdiu »l Litrhfidfl, i,i and I'm *,ij county, on !> 3d .i-.,| edibnl or dt.eil.trs c.ioipctrnl tocull a rnnli ing ofthf ttoiklioldrrh, lbl*n)e rnay b* oaltf.1 hy any iio< iUi'tld'/r for the parpone of ctecline such off) :ers (tVibg thii 4 ;' rinyri nntic of the tiin? an place of > o-h rn;etin;, by adperti**]i ; at the i| po.y, iMU.appqiAt day add plane lo hear ant deride n;nn inch claim, mid (be "amount of compriuotinn and daula^ts which su«h proprieUr iball bo in.iilci to rouivafrvm thcfail presidltjl^diTWi'in mid ...:ii,nnv tl.ercinr, Eirrt liiving twenty diiv» no tied. i tlieii-IH'«» i^ity, hii or bee agi-nL or attorney in (a.J, or olhrr legal rcpie.eiitativr, and lo «ive the other the dale ol nine warrant parly lite da>"J n I'. e "I UlS limn and place. ,, p.-ty bf (bund iitiliin the dittlujt ot | ; .', i Colnmhia; and !aii it nny of mid juror, should to ,(iM-..d at tbe "ii.i limy aim pliice, It* i-jarhil ii'ay iinaic iinl-ly raoiOlup inli.-m.niu i mull, I m apapu :l, |i. nn, .[ in iii . iII.lii.i of Co- !n ;i,...'«,n ei i ibou .' n hoar, utsei't, and *taU ad* iin'iin, lutn- ;>n o. favor ui h ih>ir railom, rany ilflprnil on knTt'JC'h'i' V'nrV .... in Ih* b"it is imii r nn Ihr, a I u'.ii Ancii-l Hi is, ac.iiiin.bci PErEHDOUOK, pVHOaltooWfl hiiihoiicfj 1 ai ihe it- oniwnaranl" toroi lOKqe ii * .Ii the 1. iw. Aeh:tieui p.iii^.t- $r Raw wEi,LS<ini;).vi:i,i,, ' El<l Hirlfit.'l. (OtlOI I'l.n-hj --;> , , "OIL & 20 3 barrels ...,' ,i i PAINTS ; Linseed Oil tea of who lnun tii.se.T. u- to tollicpHiii.uiei', piayinn: for u oillof divori:.1 Agaituttrje ii! I I'cH-r, lm tin wilful rtsoond oi the nitd peiet-- Awl mIi.t.i·nidcon't ordcird jal'l pctiiii>u to hp con tn» ed Id ire Soperiftr Cntifc^ to he In.) )i n .v. Ldrh S.-! 1 in sa-il CniiYy, on Ibr 6,.t T*ueAl ,. ol February liti*,u.,.| (hut tbe pemTinop ..t mjil "*"' ,nht p«Wi*«ii mi;,.. (Jowrusuoot C«utunlani r Set .l.iti hr Uf&lhtY twn'nt, Tia* lli.. |in -i lent and Uif ti'l'Ui >h ill p beats piini"lcrrl.|i,*nti '»r n)| th-; ibAnHofiat'l Btaek, lindlhlll d.'lil :tih|i. oi,.h CMt'UWrtle, .|.{iifld bv ihi iin ·> lent, Id c.v h n j (CO ii, lotivurythary by ci'hn .'iaII b" williiuliii- lli-lrivi .d C.iluinbia, and i' the p -r'y jo notifrd rhall t\il to intend, or i!';b*p«rty shall h-aainlant un.Ur **a ii mm mid 1 tc Ihe >uid.K;oi-»iitHnleinnn. to hi j'.'t'y "»> im^ntiaili value llm .tio idit-'ii lojL-ng' iiialetin);. toi Ho n't--'- th. I'nni. lhc.n>neM!:c .i-i V H:< ;ii t .Kill *ar!ai" b} the tbeieol prpfideal, tUiecloe/i non romp o np( ol llir r.itidia, or fenrr eo»e»t,Or absent Dt-tiKl ol CdumNa, kh.I lla.-e no mi, I iiuri; - ,inut>.>..y oi llw Atraandria and Le*-, U t";ii|.ihe rOAil, ""hi hjrrjor h-r Nnbi:iii« Ii I and at, he) l,<irhinn ifiliriciUe kno^n d lhalj dl I · oasiileirable pemonor by Uteri ttlltj 'Ii ntl-irney, hi* or ti-r pleiiit'e, in is thepr*UitU of the representative ihsrei*, ·< then Ihe nai.fnuni'Oi^io.i.'i** any pioc,.' pirtvtohuiran (kcide the «ime an Hie "aeent, or l":it I .,,,,.,1 ,i lanmeii made hy i!i< Vioalum Af -o.; UUipe;! anil .,. joroj*, liy. I or a niai ioiy.it ibcin, -hall b" [r.l.m.1 tba ll,«i I , I jur.i.f.oi m,,] ill lie tbeah TiMTeDrnfiaihiold. ;veo niitnih«"Obl. ca-.ks London dry White ---ouin.nl oi" Atnmww Meremy, m rl-ik i or tre'.iny «f '"I c.unpuiy, the n.iinloii'i | ol liir.ii ud. .m i-lin,l ...ln u|ku |*i41-Ti'-i jmi Lad w 41f-cly' next alter ibe rliine ol nirl tnuit. Ilieirfofi. In nit payioenl line or to lini.tr r, bn- ibe'eppon and tu'a' ; a nrilina ligpad or any Uo of Ihiinii by [htm. or B'tv 11" >w lelnri nij 01 dij nr-l nude in | , ,,, K| n( H4VW , : i|i,.,,.(o, hjr lr ""0. I'ltrnnnl Dolec, to aoprATh. rtivelunl foTK«l< by J.V/JJJOSSJt DE.in.vo. Sppt.i l. >! mniiy [he fwirl P.irr fore the jiiupri.trCoi'i' to I i di- ii"i:;iiec holtliii2 any >n d retltfibite, h criteftd m me by tn-in I" reinrnel lo the olfi- ! Ihr clerk ot"ibe«iid ronr(,for Ihe county nf VI tiin, within tenftny* alter lilch hntrhis, Midi, rnpy-lhireol .h«ll, letthin tendril- ;l"tr.such rtlut.i, brsti'reil DpODSneh of ft«P noiinrAi len' inlho Di«liirlof Olnni'ii-t "id ir»ion o th, iaid i iixard henot ntth" in (hdaopnty "T Algaaiidrla, circJit cimrt, nrx: after nich return of th" -aid -tiei'r.l to tin rlt'ik'ndii-'f, limel *siH* 00 «" " ,M " 0| ,r, " , " parliality.) tit the «iil co!iiini«ion*rt or olhrt ettoi ilrraii-d W)|5cirq| in thr opi.n'n of mm ' r'unpil i.ie uii'jnriient to Up m a book ~~b'LX.E INSIJSaNCL. [nronvnoi ol F:rf, !· r-:civc propoviN lor WILIi £Ain.1ln*sim! d.tin^c* U4 ITEOHp FIHE INSURANCa COMPANY, Tttti betvilden at Lilrhlirld, i'. and for mi' in, i ·n(lf ,'in.l I'ui-rlny of Fjiirunvy IflU, then K' tlierc lo <hf renioaj if nay he bave, why the piuyer'ofiaiil peli'J^n diould nul l»r i;rant«il. I»al-d nt I.iulifidd, rtieSOHi ol An t Uk ifi'.i. C*2\ Wiii,c»tt, Cleik. ' i cfjhe ronipany to h* kepi for that pin,u"f, hat] hr a member of.taid noinpiay: nnl lor every crtlifi.'iili.. by Iliin hehl nhall b.' CDtUM f l ongnhareip theciSpl al rtock ajjil csiate ol -ni.i the rail c.uirt Icr Oie...iini nl \le.i in.l.ia, lo It iff linn i,,..iIbe psjrdid, iiLd-hiil i-- ...uidu'iv,' iiftmt ttrs, and acypy thereof shall be delivetc-i [o Ihi ,,|.-|i,i;ll pKIUi.' VtlOBia] b«i»(bleiil d. strict, and lb,- imn |oa«aiii«i and «»[.. m) nitielttl till" ·*! "1'ik i W i : 1 rnmpajiy. il.iy« Andir any »:or. , tti , )Ider nil it thirty p Knijimm hy ;>t thnir NOTICE. rREpnii!Ic in. hereby informed ihal new Pin proof pnhltr PowtTrf tloaie, imtannthc bMk> bf Oonoccttoiil jirtr, u peeled. panllc nnhre inn neirtptperprintr-l 1,1 the Di-i.i.'l orCilnintiinnf the tun* Aid ptneenppnin'rilronh- ffmyeuntat nny portion ordivj -lendof ihenufi irib?l in mid i",!.. in'l nej- .-.i-: die -,ii clei - ul "u- laid lor ihe i.-coi'lhe party enh'llcd Ui-Rto, tbi W«i^ m.iV proreiri in lakt prr'idem mol iio.i ' r-i.iu'1- -. 11I11.-.1 tllld uiii) *«.»;. il,- ·«! h in.' |i-.i i to I nm ' '- ( i |,i,|, ., , , i|. ,r-i-i.l ; nntl the -aid : ; pietiu > ,i.in,.ii... n. i i.i -i- and com; I tliid "vi ibdl ajjy shall puj ." in--- ' i""i- i'i ··>· 1 "-"- ..,;.. the City of tlarUoid, ».f*k flun.Uyn eifx-pled. i . <*, dtty in di* lb nit Mr. John Siirtlor.l. LrJfinzniiU in mrreyor for Hi* Witnu pncf L"i , town ol both- Jm Hn- gmreoftMrty ilflV* nflir thf lim-nonpi jininl, the »»iarf or iN&m ,iimhi.' |.nfh l-'iar|.ifiii-vr.aitikenii^r,e. mny lerllopay Hit «ame , MiTiiHBt.i^Mr'T/, Hamord Jen W Mo u> i. .n, wirt lo otor© Pmrdrr rnii hftve an opportanit^r hy applying All thoftn who | ben ild nl puMir aiimion, and th»m 'o »ny p.'"" or pereontj ctiawfrtr inch prloe ai nan lr.m-|,..n(d to wilitnjt la pnr ; >m'..i' courl, Ibr i.i-iie Nhill he llaal «» h-i«ren thrpaetiat, nnl ihaJJ h* rritnrdrd b\an t tht^n to naairV,! h*hi({ I eiJilrlctetk pnH to the -iiilrlerk, for Ihe ttse of the pr-.,,.,, 1 .; ii^aiid ' *..!.;>· lo I'io- I?., I -) Ij.im nud to iri-i o >: ol Kc «.inl i'i(|'ii«i, anil end l-king In o dullari , eah Mr limn -o if iwortv r enliltedlo rrrrin' liortc I Til> iii'hnt in f?t-h, It paid i«r QlHe «T«obftV# c... Ooiton unit [,i(irn .i .- ANXON RREWSTERft n ,i, r ily f,, r in Iar,je or imalt .^t,,, ,;;,,,, i»:u.*i«, »i.. .ni Co. PoWAtt, l*« be obtained or in raw Miviwjn i*|nr (ball ^.<i! to piy an fnrtftl 1 in l:ill rnrntVfrltell hiltbe duly a.'oed, buIi an . I -am«s thestid Ian ii-Tiivlin th.- 1 ii a r»r ill. i I : I ram A: -b.ot may ,..,. | he lalt-n aail 1.1.1,1. ocnuniedtttia.iurnpiriariw -I lii.Ji,u..' I...rt.i An ' i i'i. nitC'in. " ,, Roue*, By !OHS> Raslf«t<] Jaa.1T- OBTLER *f .<ui.irii.il th« rim quality, t»y Unnnlily. BatUer.1, Sr pi. !«. H* cuti or mentor nny ffieni pir* tb-"i'f,tb'<t 'ml pay, '· or rnnnid, may hf iT..-i,iencd ' " <<' rlefl <·' 'hep-i I mi'-imrr' rsiii n|i .11 i ...no'r ti'M'-ii ·"" .. "' ! '"" road, iball return · platt and - U"8 ttblpltZ" « f-il.a* t. by warrout .uch survey lo Rig »i I olttk, lud tfatm>V» u« W -'"^ a-cetl dui ,, iLe irelgl ' \^l tn the .,,.., n .u.i in anj »,i^. rahiagti oi hovdehj i' thnll oli.e. in, Ot cart g 'denl, innii. n,,,r Biay .elawfu' forlhv saidpre vb'ish H-ati* .,,' .-·. pHBl* tO tOti. ui ·.. Wi Vla *» ftt u ' Hec, 7 Jliid lor in pnv(»M ' ftrtlu emettifVhtA nm> iifdl-iifii'd- : I ! u f<

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