Chryslers Farm Burning LewistonBuffalo Longwoods Chippawa Capture of Prairie du Chien Lundys Lane Attack at Fort Erie Nottawasaga Capture of Tigress and Scorpion McArthurs Raid Malcoms Mills Totals 11/11/1813 19/12/1813 30/12/1813 4/3/1814 5/7/1814 20/7/1814 25/7/1814 15/8/1814 24/8/1814 3/9/1814 and 6/9/1814 6/11/1814 6/11/1814 Mohawk of Teyendinaga, Western Nations, Haudenosaunee of the Grand 30 300 Wyandots, Potawatomi Western Nations, Haudenosaunee Menominee, Dakota, Puants, Winnebego, Follesavoines, Sauks, Fox, Kickapoo, Anishnabeg Western Warriors, Haudenosaunee Western Nations, Haudenosaunee Anishinabeg Anishinabeg 44 300 530 500 (in reserve) 200 23 40 Haudenosaunee Haudenosaunee 300 30 8323 Seven Nations was a term of convenience to include Mohawks of Kahnawake, Kanesatake, Akwesasne, Teyendinaga,Anishinaabeg, Algonquin of the Ottawa Valley, Nipissing, Abenakis of Odanak ,Abenakis of Becancour,Hurons of Jeune-Lorette Western Nations was term to incorporate the Wyandot, Anishinabeg, Shawnee, Fox, Sak, Winnebego and other Nations of which alliance Tecumseh was a major War Chief