Whitby Free Press, 1 Jul 1992, p. 31

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* WHITBY LEGION Branch il12 has- some nwleaders ý(above). Jim Hillyard,,(from right) takes over, as presudent, Hen*ry Perry as, first vice presidentand Eileen'Swerdfi- ge rasthird vicepresident. (Below, from 1right)0 Dorothy Mclintoô1sh 18 the new pre- sident of, the aux 1ili ary. Eliztabeth.Hillyard.is first vice "president and DorothyMàooe Second vice president. Phioto by Mark eesor. Whltby Fm'ee ieeu. yI.1- - .tl f r r rr - , ,yy- 'Ac tion plan for kids' services. to be developed By the latefmifa of 1992, an inter-ministry coenmittee agenda action, plan for the lntegratiogi 0f bas'been mcel.rated s ine . thie picies 1 ad services thiat affect Premîier'. Councl on Health,0 chi nd theirfamilies will be ýWefl-Being and Social Justice, dveoped.& identified children as a priorlty. Thtwas on., of the ,.Gary Galeetsat j"resident 0f coenmtments delivered. ly Carola thé. Cbidren's Aid Society, Lin, cairof the Inter-MfinistrY expreused' the. fustration of a Com~nttse n Service to ,IonÎg-time volunteer inr- oblidron'. Objîdren and. Youth, to members services,- t.bat there lia been anad guests 0 f the ,Childrëe'senough study and consultation.' $èSoicsCouncil rcntly. Dé""ion on Inté rtom Thse counicil nognzation fQlowed byAtii.déeloMnt of comcerned with co-ordination flextible models 0f intrad planning, prevention Md servce delivery, are long overdue, advocacy regrding .Durhiam. he sad. children mad adolescents vwith C-liy Htcino a Épeclal needs, was,-. holding its supervisor with the. Liter Seal second mna genieral meetinig. Societys poke about local familiej Line, anh isutdeputy with special meeds chldren'who minlster in thé Ministry o r iig o l 3e"mcrmm, Education, was, guest speaker. and .lii8ayséini en te She stressed'thaithtei.econorélc on- mecessmland and éodal 'c rias withiln which the exh utnpiscldmands are province' ndsitseW . cm b. -the.takcing a srous toi! necessmry camlysÏttiht noves the Hi binson, agree that the. goenent and "the , community current econiomic si"tuaàUoxi l aa frm discussion to action. problem, but, indicated that we New-ways of worIdng mùst, b. cant sacrifice, chldren and built on partersbi pmd ,muor fiamilies because 0f finances. provide effectveservices, or 5h. sggste a t hc prevent the, need, for services makers-spe mndtime in the he wvitbin* eising redur e , sx of 'special .needo chuldren, to filai&understand the, urgency .0f L ame' adviSed that the mea igu. rfom Rae .ýaddrALqe.s sescolleg e grads Bob Rie, Prveeier 0f 'Ontaio, aresdthe. DurhmCollege graduation ceremoniies Junie, 6 - t the Oshawa Civic Auditoiumb. Ri s oket259 business and. 105 léiinology grýaduates m ad terguests at the morrnn g ceremoneis Sharon 'Swain, vice chair, Durbam Cohlieboard 0f governors,, the:' graduates 0f the 345< applied arts and 134 iiealth sciences and their guests - at -the mfternoon ceremonies. Swain la the admiistrator of Fairview Locige, Wiitby. The. winmer of the Durhiam Colleg Presidemt's Gold Medal md Goveror General's medal as weIl as tiie Steward R. Alger $750 schoarship was Young-Soom Chi Schiwarz from Oshawa. Slver medal winmers were K.vin Leighton 0f Oshawa, David Hore4o jagx, Sheree PImch 0of Br oln Tay Mitchell .0 f Warkwortii, Christine Van Riesen' 0lf Ajax~, Gwyneth Smith 0f Pickering and Gai! Frmzmoo0f Bowmmmvii!. WhitbDy student earnsaward. AVWhitby resident received a bronze medal aitith.Durham CoIlege conivocation held Cameë-Ann Deatcher received the award, as hgetranng gr.aduate In .a ,one-y.ar heat Bronze medal 'winners were Tracey 'frving cf -OF;hawiý Carne-Ann Deatcher ùf <Žý' tO and ' .nda Vandergaaa of Bowmmmville. Durimg the. ceremonies, two Dunhamý College alummi were honoured for their commitment to Durham College and'-tii. iommunity. ýý Receivim*g theo-alummus, of distinction awards were, John' Mather, a 1969 business - data proàing, graduate, and Ron- Backwell,- a 1969 ciniýcal" techmol oùygraduate. the publiCshepinsligarbeywchocreii Plckering on riday, May 22. At, 12:10- am. two» maies entered Gino'Pizza, 750 Oklahoma Dr. on. armed with a blackhandgunýand'the other with a si x"-in1'.buck, kaife. The victim andhis .parents'were held at Icnifepopint while the other suspect removed cash from the, register and alo ,demanded money from the victime. Thé suspeéts daagedtee phone Unmes and then left the. store and ran north along the eat ide of the building.' Suspect #1 is dcricbed as maie, blak, aged 20 518, 150, lbs., short hair,,wearinp a i dbaïeba l ht, dark .pànts and matclung.clark jacket with no dsgn, dr unming .shoes mad armed with à black hndgun. Supc 2was r aleb aged 20, 56\160 Ibo., bis hair 'was a *le lonier -thansuàùpect #1, he was weaüring abue basebalUbat wearing clark jeans and jacket whichi matched, anÎd hâd a yeýhow-croeshatch design onîtii.left Ieg of the pants. and'on thé left front or. left steeve of the jacket., This suspect' wms armed with a six-imich buck knife wiîth a woodn hanche withgold on both ends., Cruùie Stoppers wïil ay Up to $1,000 for in~formation leading toô*tàe. a re àt-of tese two suspects., If youl have ôamy information .regmrdimg this offenée or amy, other, serious crime, cmll, us. As-a caffler youWihl be given a, codé numiber and mot re . 0 o t Curt ie 46-8477 (that'é 436wTPS). Constable' Grant Jsrnold -is the 'co.ordinatàor.1wit the Durham ]RegionalCrime Stoppersa md writes tus article to help combat crime.- A **** obor * nitrste riieSt[er * e .- o vhchlhrea e owoe *850 iNrt Aneia Thereead s ie i ried h eIh -. ICibe dnaiose e niy sent toe It-a Reioa Cri e * e:p)es .O.Bo 5, *shvv ntri ..........k .....r The Ontario Council of Regents recently announcedtii. appoint- -ment of two newi members of the board of governmo f Durham College.i Betty Amui Craig, an external goveo aýi vice principal of t KMonica' Catholic School i Pickering. Craig la also.currently servi1j as ýa member of the. Police mn Commmumty .Race Relations Comittee in Durhiam ýRegion mmd bas been imvolved with the. Multicultural Council, of Oshawa mmd District, Club Carib, Durham Ethnic Parents Committe., Congress 0f Black Women. Bonnie Giter-Brown, is an intàrmhUy .'elected- governor representing the' administraiton of théi. cllege . Giiterown ..is dietoe 0f counselin&mmnd hemlth servces mi Durham Co The. DunbamCoÈZlege of governors 1smàdeup 0f comuniy rpreenttivsas well' as representatves' from students, faculty, support staff. nd adminsrto a h olge. Sumnr School coure offeýredý Am environmental science ,field course la being,.offer.t. "t,6hh school srtudemis ati-tii. Nonquon Environnmental - Educaitio>m Centre.-, The' s1ummer school course, providimg a chance to eàMna grade 10 advmmced 1e. eniron- mental science credit, imcludes'a four-day- field tri pto Bruce' Peninsula National-Park JUIY Amy h4*1h school student la, ¶lgffile, for-the. Course te b. ôff-re fiàiJume. 29 to July 24, 9 a.m.to3pam Cosia marsh at:723-4678.

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