Whitby Free Press, 30 Jun 1981, p. 13

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WHIlTBY FREL PRESS, TUJESDAY, J UNI 30, 1981, PAGE 13 1W. Roger iWorth Unless changes are made, the family-owned neighbor- liood grocery store mav go the say of (lhe do-do bird. Separaties Go Together The dictionary defines proportion as "the proper relation between ail the parts. " So does Helene Sidel. "Proportion is what fashion is aIl about these days," says the designer whose separates business has zoomed like Voyager Il in the past couple of years. "There is no longer one shape or one length, but there is something more important than they ever were, and that's an interesting and often un- expected balance that makes the costume look attractive on the body." The Spring 1981 Helene Sidel collection is a happy exercise in two basic equa- tions; balancing an clon- gated top above a short- ened pant or skirt, or top- ping a long-fine pant or skirt with a brisk, litle short jacket. "There is a new kind of softness, full and lush, which 1 like to contrast with very sharply cut jackets and pants or skirts," says the designer. j Much of this softness cornes from the different way ruffles are used, double at the hein of her "jump-dress," at the knee of knickers, and giving extra movement to short skirts. The designer particular- lx' loves balancing differ- cnt textures in the same color, and this collection continues that idea. One intriguing group in cham- pagne silk counterpoints the grainy surface of silk tussah with smooth, sin- uous silk pongee and then lavish champagne lace as t rimm ing. *The CottagerN mile N. of Brooklin on Hwy« 12 M WE M BUY -SELL * & N * TAKE N CONSIGNMENTS M Antiques & N Furniture N M 655-4619 N Min mignZEd Consider the dilferences in thie regions: In Atlantic Canada, chain supermarkets held 551%o of the market in *1980. ln WNestern Canada, the chains c(>ntrol about 65% of th.-- market in British Colum- Roger H ~ii/i L I)irecior. I,diC w IY -/aiS. (uaiaffin1-derafiot, of Indcepenclerif fluiîi ess. bila and Alberta, 5807o in Saskatchewan, and 6807 in Manitoba. ln Ontario, the super- market chains held a whop- ping 7507ol the market in 1980. To independent grocers, these figures are downright depressing, particularly when the share of market held by chain stores has risen striking- ly in Enany provinces. N'et Quebec's independents are tackling the chain stores head on, and winning. In that province, the chains hold (>nly 4007o of the market, down slightly from the pre- vious vear. One reason: the Quebec government has supported in- dependent grocers by allowing them Io) sel a selection ofi beer and wines, thus offsetting some of the hu.iing power and N*44ý 'ý Have you vis ited us latey? A complete collection awaits' vou ut Fashions 126 in dou'n- Êouin Whitby. We look forward to meeting and assisting Von u'ith.your select ion. 126 11 6-Brock Street South -Whltby 668-1266 MON.-SAT. 9 - 6 FRI. 9 - 9 advertising advantages held b) the large chains. Even the supermarkets in Quebet' are complaining thal wine salcs provide a drawing card for independents, and the competition is causing (hem (rouble. In Ontario, where the chains hold 75%1 of the marke, the opposite is hap- pening. The province has allowed wine Io be sold in more (han 30 kiosks attached to supermarkets, providing a dr-4wing card for the chains, rather (han the independents. Meanwhile, British Colum- bia is seriously considering beer and wine sales for in- dependents, and many other provinces are discussing the issue. As the Quebec situation in- dicates, wine sales for in- dependent grocers could help save the smaller stores from extinction. * i'NOUNlCEMENTS ~J/~/~ *RECEPTION CARDS *INVITATIONS *THANK YOU CARDS PubIshe IbyGANOFIErmSonIof He r jet teQue InFi) Colour! PIctoPaJ book format Her Majety the Queen has been graLiously pleaseil to permtit t.he Royal Jubilee Trusts, of which she is patron, to publish this Officia Souvenir for Llie Wedding of H.R.H. The Pnnoe of Wale and 1.0e Lady Diania Spencer on 29 .hily 1981 at Stý Paille Cathedralý This laviahly-illustrated. permanent record of the joyouts occaision ws available in Canada by mail by special arrange- ment witb tbe publiahiers. 11wcoever pho1.ograph, taken by Lord Snowdon, depicts Diana i low-cut green talTeta with a diamond neckdaae. Charle in bis tuli-drees naval uniformn, at Highgrove, the etate wbicb will become the oouplees new home, The eight-page oenter spnaid, and many of the otber page, carry full-oelour studio portraits of thie royal pair. Great care bas been taken to ensure t.bat this special souvenir wil remnain a valued koepake for many yeam. Plià-m âme thso e - frm: 1 IAlye il 412 84" bo* ok fam* Pnnwont aarLIngkIS amr * Linirta&ai og *FumMI) iai uv&gtmtu *Artacln CrI 1h. MArrhy ut.EngauneL. cOurln, Du iana p"zai m a n mkUwtlg- *FamUy uuflrea demrml 0( ix carm&ad Otn. foenh M" VU Mail to THE ROYAL WEDDING Box 345. Station A, Toronto, Ont. M5W 1C2 Enclosed is a cheque or money order (no cash please) f or $. ..or charge it to my Visa or Mastercharge Account. Please send.,...book/s at $6,45 each (including postage and handling). Make cheque payable to Canada Wîde Feature Servirv% Limted, AlIow 3-4 weeks for deliver> NAMEI Il i. Ill I ADDRESSLLi1 J 1 1 11 1I 1 1 1 11 1l 1i CiTyl JJ1 L.L1.JPi. iI 111 111 POSTAL CODE iWJL~ PHONE NO 1L1LL.L..1l-1L \lli\l îl'i l ,1,111 Cheoue Nisa iMastercharge *CCOiJNT NO SP 3037 iPR SIGNATURE Tackling the chain stores BEAT INFLATION!! until ??é? Pu rchase your 1lst item at REGULAR PRICE RECEIVE 2nd at 1½2PRICE (higher price prevails) JEANS - $500 OFF REG. PRICE. CHOOSE FROM A WIDE RANGE 0F FASHION DESIGNER JEANS. m uququmww- ---q # # % 9 1 , 4 j ý ý . .

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