l as; _.The band of the W M S is now in excellent trim and gave a good account of themselves at Clinton on May 24th They will play as usual on their stand on the market square to-morrow (Fri- day) ltsvening. The following Friday evening, June 10th, they will give one and concert at the opening of the {Mk Pavilion. --War was declared on May 31sst d p.m., which, no doubt will be one of the biggest wars ever known (in photo- graphy.) The best bargains ever given in photos are to be had at; Sherk’s studio during the month of June. Call and you will be convinced. Also see some of the finest life-size photos made. ---A number of our citizens drove to Galt yesterday afternoon to hear the famous Godfrey’s Band. The band appeared at Guelph in the evening, and a. larger number wenb to hear them there,retarnit1g about 12 p m by special train. . --uWaterloo's new Park Pavilion will be opened next Friday evening. June 10th, by the Waterloo Musical Society. Band concert, prize drawing, eta, will be some of the attractions. --The regular monthly social of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will be held at Dr. Noecker.e residence, Albert street), this (Thursday) evenir g. --The Rev. Mr. McKibbin, for thirteen years pastor of the Presbyter- ian church at Millbsnk, died in Strat- ford on Monday, after th lingering ill- neas. --While at work at the foundry on Wednesday glowing, Mr. Clark Vanevery accidentally tripped and fell backwards on a sharp piece of iron, cub ting a. gash in the back of his head,which required several stitches by a doctor. --The annual camp meeting of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, will be held in Berlin from June 9.h to Jane 16:1), both days inclusive. ---Remember that Mr. W.H Leeaon, proprietor of the Cheap Store, Berlin, is closing every evening“ 6 30, except Saturdays; Tuesdays included. -Mr Wm Dotzert, teamster for the Waterloo Woollen Company, lost a valuable mare in foal yrsrerday morn- ing. It was valued at $100. --A by-law providing tor the muni. cipal ownership of the water works, Was voted on in Berhu on Faiday last and carried by a maj "ity of 221. --.tourteen candidates were con- firmed ab St. Louis R C. church on Whit Sunday last. The services were conducted by the Rev, Dr. Spaetz. --The friends of De, J. H. Rstz of New Dundee who is co 'fined to Galt Hospital with typhoid fever will be pleased to hear that he is convalescent. -..The open-air band concert last Friday evening was a rare musical treat, The boys certainly did them- selves proud. -A number of local cyclists accom~ panied the Berlin Y. MAIA, to Galt hat Friday evening. -...Joe Fitzstephens, the Berlin bur. glanwas oommitted on Friday tor trial, to take place in June. --The Berlin voters lid: for 1898 contains 2,204 names, 232 are lsdies' names. --Galt defeated Burliu at baseball lash Saturday by a score of 12 runs to --The new Pare Pavilion will be pro- fusely decorated for the opening even- ing, Friday June 10A, --Whirmonday was observed as a holiday at the public school -Yoting on the electric railway by. law takes place on Friday, June NJ], 1808, -Gais rate of taxes this yen is 1'i'li spills. _ E. M. Devitt CITY DRUG STORE, (lf Course You Delft Want Your Winter Ulsthes Waterloo, Ont. Store Opposite Zimmerman House CODE & HIIIIARD'S to prevent it when you are ready to pu them away for the season is to make sure that the early moth has not already made a. nest in them, and then fix them so that the lat er one can’t. Perfect sealing would do, bat to insure against pin holes and cracks, put into the pack- age some of our Moth Balls, The moths do not like them and are particular to staybsway. You can get a heap of them, the balls, for a little money. ï¬g? LOCAL N EWS. BUY YOUR WATERLOO 'ONT. ...AT... Eaten Up; the Right Way AN UNEXPETED L1rrcH.---Two local nimrcds went out the other day to test their skill in landing members of the ihsny tribe. One of them is known to b3 considerably more inc‘ined to length than breadth, was seated astride a trusty looking rail amid streams, the very picture of composure itself, when it suddenly gave way and precipitated its occupant into the cooling waters of the creek. He was safely landed by companion, who now boasts of having made the biggest haul of the tlea80tt--t_ 'bla' measuring li teat from tip.tii tip, 1 ACCIDENT --Lsust Friday afternoon Chief of Police Flynn met with an ac- cident whieh.will lay him off duty for six weeks at least. He was splitting wood at the fire hall and swinging his rather keen edged axe he accidentally brought it in contact with the fence, when it glanced off and imbedded itself in the instep of his foot, almost sever- ing the bone. He is now reported as doing well, Mr, Geo. Suggit has been sworn in as acting constable. SENSIBLE ADVICE FOR BICYCLISTS - Riders who like to save their wheels as much as possible, will do well to re- member that when climbing steep hills and feeling themselves to be under a severe strain, the wheel is also being sorely tried. The amount) of twist put upon the rear section of a bicycle in climbing is little appreciated. Not only do the rear forks and chain feel it, but as the wheel turns, different groups of spokes come. in for a powerful strain. On steep hills it is a little more sensi- ble to pocket pride and walk than it is to run the risk of injury to self and bicycle by riding up. CLOSE SEASON FOR BASS --It ap- pears that we were in error as to elcse season for bass in our issue of a few weeks ago. Mr, John Dasitsr, Deputy Game Warden, gives the following as the regulation on the subject '. The close season for bass is from the 15 h of May to June 15th, both days inclusive. All base less than 10 inolus shall be thrown back into the wafer and no tourist shall catch more than twelve in any one day. Sis MONTHS AT MERCER,-Last, Monday afternoon acting constable Suggib took into custody Suaanab Thomas, and escorted her to the county capital, where she awaits re- moval to Mercer Reformabory. This was the outcome of her appearance before Magistrate Devitt, on th charge of immorality, the information being laid by her own father. After care- fully weighing the evidence submitted the magistrate sentenced her to six months at the Mercer Rstorrnstory, MISCHIEVOUS Yomars.-Numerom, complaints are heard of mischievous lads or young men who meddle with tho King street awnings during tho evenings. The horizontal bar supports are not in ll e _vhen the awning is raised and frequentiy these are pulled down so as to project over the aide walks and are liatle to do serious injury to pessers by not noticing them. The proper authorities should kerp a closer watch on these mischief makers. WILL CELEBRATE ON JULY 1sr.--An enthusiastic meeting of the W. M S. executive was held the other evening when it yes decided to hold a big celebration at Waterloo on July bet. A fall bill of sports is being prepared, and it is understood that some radical departures from the programmes of former years will clots made. A calithumpiau and tradas' procession will likely be one of the features. PURCHASED THE 1h,ocK.--hfr, J. Uffehnan, one of Waterloo’s wall known King street merchants, has purchased the block lat present occupied by him from Mr.:John Sbub for the sum of $5,000. Rooms in the second flst are at) present being fitted up, to be used an dental parlora by J. W. Easter, D, D. S. Wé undersiand Mr. Uitilinan ii also contemplating the enlargement of his store towards the rear. A FINE NUM nmt.--The Gait; Repor- ter of May 28.h contains an iliustrated sketch of the town of Galt with its history, live industries and prominent business men. The number is neatly printed, and the sketches written in a style to rrsfLa.ct great credit upon the Reporter. ANNUAL ExcUnsioN,--Thts annual excursion of the South Waterloo Farmers' Institute to the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will take place on Saturday, June 11th. Tre rates from Elmira and New Hamburg are only 55 cents, and from other points proportionately less. GREAT SELLING our SHOE SALrr,,-- Owing to a change of busmesa we will sacrifice profrs for prices, See our advt. in thisjseue. A.Weseloh k Co., next to Berlin p, st oifioa --Worlr on the bicycle path between Waterloo and Bridgeport is progressing slowly It has now been cat and levelled as Gr as Mr, Scheuerman's property, near Bridgeport. However, much of the fin'shing, work, such as cindering, still remains to be done. Funds for carrying on the work are getting scarce. SERVANTWANTED --1i'or small family, Apply at Chronicle office, --The wedding season has been etyn- sidered here. It in need of a wedding ring Heller Bum, Jewellers, Berlin, is the place to buy it, If you bay from u“ you feel satisfied that your eeiectiou is from the largest stock at the closssv price, --The thu’srsh?p exivtirg heme n Me Hrs. Cr: sumo & Badman cf B.‘rlin, has beeidi,solvcd. Mr. E S. Hallman h a re'ired to enter the mmistry and M: E. C Bowman of Mannheim has gone into partnership with Mr. Cress- man. The new firm will be known as Cressman & Bowman Friday evening, June 10-h, is the date selected for the opening of the New Park Paviiica. The energetic committee of the Waterloo Musiml Society are making all arrangem' nts for a gala evening and are going to much trouble and expense in order that the event may be as enjoyable as possible for their patrons. The pavil- ion will be decorated with bunting, flaps and Chinese lanterns and er- rangements are under way to serve refreshments on this otmssiom--Not the least attractive feature of the opening will be the presence of the Society’s band, and as they are now in iirset class form, one of their popular programmes rendered at "Pairyland" pitrnio grounds will be of more than tvtttAlitstrtmyrt, it is to be hoped that so long a time will not elapse between this visit and their next as between Tuesday and their previous one. Twelve years ago they competed at a tournament here and won a fine organ given by Mr. W. Doherty, The instrument was subse- quently nrffied off, two hundred dollars being realized, and it still preserves that fine tone for which W. D's, organs are famous on two continents. The Band is managed by the Waterloo Musical Society and not a little of the reputation it has won is due to the care exercised in the selection of mat- erial. The boys are put into training when in short pants and when midway in their teens are allowed to become full fladged members. And they stay long, some twenty years. P. H. Recs, who rolls the kettle drum, has done so for sixteen years, while N. Keller, the leader, has been in charge an al. most equally lengthy period. Opening of' the New Park Pavilion. THE W. M. S. AT ChnNToN.-The Clinton News-Record has the following to say of our band which visited that place on May 24th :---No feature of the day gave greater satisfaction than the playing of the Waterloo Bsnd and BIBLE CONFERENCE.--.) date for the Bible Conference to be held in Berlin and Waterloo has been decided on from June 19th to 25th. There are to be three sessions each day and throughout the Conference meetings will be held in both places at the same time, thins enabling the people in both towns to attend. The following Bibliealstsholarsrsnd teachers have been engaged to give lectures during the session I Rev. Dr. Parsons, of Toronto; Rev. H. W. Frost, North American Director (f the C LM. and Rev,Elmore Harris, President of the Toronto Bible Training School. Arrangmente are being made at present to secure the services of two others. All pastors and Christian workers of the county are cordially invited to take in part, if not all, of these meetings. S. S. CoNVENTioN.-The ninth an- nual Mennonite Sunday School Con- ference was held at) Eby's church, Berlin, on Monday. Mr. David Bergey presided and Mr, S. S. Herner acted as Secretary. There was a large attendance of Sunday school workers. The papers read and the discussions which followed were very practical and helpful. Among the subjects discussed were: "The true object of a. Sunday Sthool."; "Why is disorder in a Sunday School" , "Proper methods and true spirit: of singing"; “The danger of our Sunday Schools drifting from the true gospel prin- ciples†; "Ldsnt teaching†, "The observation of the Lord's Day in the house of worship, at home, in visiting" , "Why I am a Mennonite." The pro ceedings closed with a question drawer and open conference. A WARmNa-An incident; that should serve as a warning to lads who are in the habit of boarding moving frieghts with the intention of stealing rides,happened on theBerlingrade a few days ago. Two young farm hands, one of whom was in the employ of a farmer living a couple of miles west of Water- loo, boarded a. slowly moving freight near Berlin. By the time the grade was reached the train acquired considerable speed, where the boys de. cided to jump. Both were thrown violently with the result that the right arm of one was broken, incapacitating him for work for the rest of the season. ANNUAL MErryvrNs,-.Tl1e annual meeting of the South Waterloo Farm- ers' Institute will be held at Stuermer1, Hall, Rcseville, next Tuesday, at one pm. sharp. The principal business will be the reception of the various annual reports and the election of ofeerg. Economical Opportunities Spring Novelties Silk and Wool Dress Goods in Latest Eifest Novelty Silks in beautiful, patterns for costumes and waists These at remarkably low prices. Wool Fabrics in widths and qualities that bespcak your attention when price is named. The variety of our Spring and Summer offerings was never before equalled in this town. Black Silks, Plain Colored Silks, Fancy Checked and Bro- caded Silks are trustworthy and serviceable,insu res perfect satisfact- ion and easy selection. Blle and Colored, all Wool Novelties in Brocades, Serges Covet Cloths, Lustres, Poplins, Shot effect &c, PS. Also a complete assortment of Priestly Black Dress Goods 'atépioo Coantar Chroniéle; Thursday, Jutte it, L DRESS GOODS 533? L, J. Uffelmann. The Court resolved itself into open council, Alex, Rannie, chairman. It was moved and seconded that the re- port be aeeepted.--0arried, Council adjourned to meet again first Monday in June at 10 a. m. sharp in the Tp. Hall, Crosshill,--Carried, Tp. Clerk, 80. Clements, Mag 28m. 1998. The Council formed itself into a Court of Revision and Appeal after taking the oath of ollieo, Alex.Rannie was appointed chairman. There being only one complaint) filed with the clerk re road work no acbion was taken. A few slight) changes were made and sev- eral names added to the rolls. J as. McCarthy, repair, bridge, $17; Kerr and Lintic, building two new bridges P. P, $100 ; James Dougherty, repairing culvert, H.P. 500 ; W. C. Wright, gravell,H.P. $3.40 gG.Crosby, cleaning bridge, 75:; Louis Swiss, burying dead horse, 1897 $3 00; Thos. McDowell,gravel ELP. $3.50 1807; Jae. Meyer, arrears of taxes, $5.12; John Lennard, salary assessor S sl. E. S, $30; N.S.Ball salary assessor N1 E s., $30; Alb. Knight, salary asselsor, W. section, $45; A petition, signed by Andrew Hahn and 32 others, was presented to the Council praying them to have that portion of road on the 13th concession in the eastern section of said township of Wellesley from Kentzie’s corner to Wm. IGhn's gate or thereabouts gra- velled. After due consideration it was moved by W- J. Beggs, seconded by Henry Scheifely, that the Reeve and the mover be a committee to examine said road and let contract of gravelling as they thought fit and nea.e!."rr-rcer'l ried. It; was moved by Thus, Short, seconded by J. B. Lichty that the fol. lowing accounts be granted and that the Reeve issue his orners for the same VIZ P--- Miss Haiues of Goderich was the guest of Miss Emma Anthea last week. The municipal council of the Town- ship of Wellesley met at the Townhall, Crogsshill, Monday, the 23rd day of May,1898, at ten o'eloek am. Pmmant be adjournment of last session. All members present, The Reeve in the chair. The minuzes of the prevxous meeting were read and adopted. Mr. A E Code was present; marriage of his step sister, Miss Cousins, to Mr. Panabaker, whi took place at Berlin yesterday noon. The Annual Meeting of North Wa.. terloo Farmers' Institute will be held at) the Zimmerman House, Waterloopn Tuesday, June 7th, at 1 p m. Reports of the 8sisretary-Treasarir will be sub- mitted and offiiteris elected for t he ensu- ing year. Mr.A.E Klippers's mov this week. Mr, Wm. Coseey, Sax friends in town this week, M r. Deacon I.P.S. of Halton Co., called on Waterloo friends yesterday. Dr. J. H. Webb is abtending the meeting of the Oatario Medical Assoc- istion at present) in session in Toronto. Miss Bauer of New Hamburg, is the guest of the Misses Conrad. Mrs. Carberry cf Toronto is the guest of Miss Eagrslhardt, Mr. Deacon I.P.S. of Halton Co., called on Waterloo friends ventnrdnv Mr. and Mrs. E, W. B. Snider, have returned to their home in St, Jacobs after a visit to Muskoka. Mr. Barry P. Herding, ledger-keeper ah the Merchants’ Bank, Berlin, has secured a lucrative position ab Detroit. He was presented with a. complimen- tary address and a solid gold locket by the members of the choir of Trinity church of which he was an active mem- ber. The "bicycle tea" given by Mrs. Dawson in honor of her Twin City friends, last; Friday evening. was a very unique and interesting affair. In the neighborhood of sixby were present, forty of whom participated in the bi, cycle spin towards Breslau after tea. The evening was pleasantly spent in cardplaying and dancing. Mr. Will Bish,Jun., went to Calling- wood on Monday to spend a few days with relatives there. Wellesley Township Council. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. '.A.E Klippers's moved to Toronto Annual Meeting. Cosaey, 'Sarnia, visited iatep sister, Miss Jennie c. Panabaker, which took Berlin yesterday after- PETER F. SCHUMMER Seasonable Sugge stions Fashion able Designs at the the by WANTED -A mxle teacher who re ceived his education in Waterloo Ctr, able to speak English and German, of three years experience, as substitute for the Fall term. Salary low...-, Vawxums WAGNER, Wellealey; 2n It so call on or write to C. J. Alteman, Wat- erloo. Brown and white Leghorns, Black Minorchas, [Silver Laced Wyandots, barred Rocks and light Brahma Eggs for setting at half pnce. V C. J. ALTEMAN, -2mog Waterloo The Galt Reporter says that a pic- bure which Mr. Homer Watson, of Doon, had on exhibition ab the Royal Canadian Art Show in Toronto was so much admired by a Montreal gentile- man that he purchased it on the spot), paying for it the sum of one thousand dollars. DO YOU WANT PRIZE WINNING LEGHORNS , A: forward movement of the troops has commenced. Orders have been given to embark 15,000 or 20,000 men for Cabs or Porto Rico and General Miles has gone to Tampa to take charge of the invading army. A re. port of the bombardment of Santiago by Admiral Schley’s fleet on Tuesday is not tsotdirmed, It is said that two torpedo boat destroyers came out of the harbor at night; and were driven beck, Important events are promised in a few days. No very stirring events in the war have happened during the past week, Admiral Oervera. has taken refuge in the strongly fortified harbor of Santi- ago do Cab b, and Commodore Schley is blockading the port to prevent his escape. The President issued a. call for another 75,000 volunteers. 2,500 troops embarked from San Francisco in transports tor the Philippine islands. The Oregon arrived at Key West last Thursday, and has joined‘Admiral S mpaon’s fleet, His remains were followed to Wélles.. lay. the place ofintermsnt, by a very large concourse of friends, on Tuesday of this week. It was with feelings of profound regret that the people of Wellesley heard of the sudden and tragic death of their old fellow citizen, Mr. Henry Doeiing. Mr. Doering spent the earlier years of bis lite in this township, and was for many years one of her muni- cipal councillors and discharged the duties thereby devolving upon him in a manner creditable to himself and very satisfactory to those who elected him, in fact to the township generally. m was a. very diligent, hard work- ing man, and leaves as the fruit oi his industry and labor one of the lariteat and best appointed farms in the county of Perth, comprising as it does some 300 acres of the choicest land in the county, and excellent fuan buildings, and, as he informed your correspondent some time ago, entirely tree of incumbrance. He was a. public spirited man and will be much missed in the community, and more especially by his family. His wife preceded him onlya few months; ago. He leaves four sons and four daughters. A. Boomer, Esq, of Linwood, is the only survivor of those who legislated in the early fifties His associates, John Hawk, John nger, J7illiam Hastings, George Doerr and now Henry Doeringlhave all gone overto the silent majority, Mr. Doering was an ardent Refor- mer and gave his party a steady and nnfrmohing support. He at one time contested North Perth for the Load Legislature, but failed of election. In religion he had some years ago espoused the doctrines of Swedenburg and in this, as in other matters, he was very earnest and seemed fully to believe the doctrines of that denomination, and contended very earnestly for its truths, bat this was characteristic of the man. He was one that believed that whatsoever his hand found to do should be done with his might. Death of Henry Doering of Milver ton. SPANISH-AM ERICAN WAR (From our Linwood Correspondent.) Bombardment of Santiago. age ts BERLIN, GUELPH, OWEN BOUND, Cash and One Price " King St, Berlin One of the most important departments in this store is the Dress Goods section. Little has been said in our advercisemeats about Dress Goods because the excellent choice and good value ef these oods have become so well known and have won the admiration of everyone who has visited the department. 7 FINE- pl Dress Goods and Silks G. B. RYAN & CO. Interesting Prices for the, next three weeks t : : : Waterloo The Dominion House Milliuery Business We'd like you to test our leadership on exactly these points. It's impossible a fyll description of the large variety We carry, but here are a. few hints of ki pr1ees.d . We are having a big run just now on our Cotton Fabrics. It is probably the largest assortment ever g-tten together in town. Cotton Dress staffs are very good things toi' test a store with, they are tsheap---big assortment, don't cost much, so the question of leader. ship comes down to the three points of l 1 . O q Sty es, Qua ities and Priees DRESS GOODS GEOFF & HYMMEN Dering's popularity of this department is the talk of the town and an eye sore to our opposition. King Street weekly purchased of the trade and the ever growing latest novelties. Our immense constantly assorted by semi.. is booming. The stock is kept ---only the best and newest prices are undoubted. The reason of our fast increasing selection of the goods and patterns, never buying trashy find room in our shelves. of lines in stock and the value trade is due to the careful stuff nor undesirable colorings of this store. of the goods at our close cut and all important department Dress Goods is the leading i. MILLS, Manager Special EnglishlPrints, light and darkpshades fast colors 80. Printed Batiste, 12h and 150. N avy and White Ducks. 12he. Printed Organdies, 20 and Me. Printed Sateens, 12he. Metal Printed Sateens, 250. Black Figured Sateems, Me. Printed Dimities, Me. Scotch Ginghams, Mic. Scoteh Chambrey s, 15 and 200. White Swiss Spots, 10 to Me. Bicycle Denims, 12be, Linen Crash for Skirts. (shrunk) 200. White Piqnes, 20 to Me. Striped Glalat'eég,10;: The assortment Oat, Hammocks At $1, $1.35,$1.50 up to $4.50 Croquet Sets 4 ball, 6 ball and 8 ball. We sell 4 ball set at 70c. We have all sorts of Sporting Goods All bein sold chea l . Wh pay $6ogand $65 fox? y Y A Bicycle When you can get just as good a one at our place for $40, (speed King and Pelham) W. fl, BEGKEB ' 60., TERMS CASH AND PRICE)! EIGHT. Base Balls, - Bats, Gloves _ And Masks 313.3.an . our Features for '98, Fitted with Dun- lop or Single Tube Tires. Is really a combination of beauty, strength and durability. Is guar- anteed for one year and all acci- dents to wheel can' be repaired in aday or two without any extra ex- rpess charges to pay. Sold by WALLPAPER ED T..' RODS, OYes! OYes! __ You can't make a mistake by buying a Berlin wheel. It has all the latest and UP - TO - DATE Berlin Bicycles Martin Bros, Watehmaker and Jeweler. WATERLOO, ONT. which we have just; received for tho spring season- As we sell for Cash we are in a position to sell at a. very reasonable price, so much so that it: pays you to examine our stock before buying. Give us a cull. You never new the like before of Inch a fine stock, all of the latest and new- est designs of (SUCCESSORS TO A.L.KUMPF) Waterloo, Ont. _ points. It's impossible to give are a. few hints of kinds and Berlin.