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Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 12 Jul 1894, p. 5

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'tions, t Tdil. I. fur hut ucather, Mir 1mm: he. r Bicycle Meet nfthii month? we have it, rmcmbcr r (r win Llir, C in St?r Umttlt'r up“. checks and ant a stylish hat allies ard, tings lins ns es, " Pints down. Cotton' for the fdiowine l/Av.-' for 7c Us C W' t thN onth a N Pruc, " ls chocolates Jen --1Tts Ulll lurivk building at. the cor. Iw'rul' \Vmge- and King streets, town, an (um do“ n on Monday evening to _l,iVrr l‘bUlll for the new Lutheran pu" “'ll.l_:r- to ln' tuvcted on the lot. Work on the sewer will commence Hm \er and will continue for two mnllh or more. The work will be Mu- by Yln- (lay and the men will be Anivr 'ln' who-go of Ed. Duermil. The my, Mo an, who wandered frum tht. hum? of his parents in Pil. il0Cton :\ tTw weeks ago, was found in tiw Iniglnlm‘hmxl of Woodstock last ‘uiuulay zunl tvstored to his parents. Tht, armual pic-nie of the Trinity llvtlmlm Sunday School, Berlin, WM 9““ m tln- Waterloo Town Park on ruesdivy. A large number were pres- "ld and it wry enjoyable time was Spent. an 1:, il. Laidman, inspector of “(Mm lull "mason-ts paid Waterloo in otiicial visit the past week. He Pr'lnnunced the town scales as being une 1 with -h rehearsal of the choruses for tho “Vania Concert by the diihent choir, " xhe town was held in the Lu. thvrau church on Tuesday evening. PW.- Zoehner of Berlin "tad " con- Prof. i tluctor, - Diamonds, .gold-heatud.tt.1 cases, . parlor suite, roller top mung dot, MI stand, clocks, and may vdluhlo ttt: of silvenuro 1','l (i'.,',':,',,",',',', utiful Ind costly lot puns gun a the bicycle mu st WW 'ark on Wed-dar, July 35th. Jr {A Nt lai t'rt Mil-LI Mr WHY ? Ili,, llwkunn, A teacher In the riairrt olrstiatts Institute, has re- d tri. rit'l of her approaching my l‘in- salary of the position sts H Al 'I‘In- “lech House, Berlin, has vrur:,ul {In Mr. Gilkinsou, late of 'runrurd House, Windsor. He «in. p-sion of the House on 'sst lst, IM'XL. Li HRH; N CNS. “n Creams. rl Hi the moat accurate he ever met ‘lw gn-aL .luvry of the day among ts h Where will the Zinuner. In}. gm Berlin. New Hamburg, Emu, l’rvstun ur Waterloo 'l m I--- l'v-pP'sc'nled. Hm uttlwlithic walk along King hum. thicker & Die-bol's corner . [mks L} ”Naming is now complet- lit. " 41k promises to be at once tin-m and suustantial, TO AtWERTiSERS H leig, Waterloo, has sold _' inmnc-x's to Mr. George M. 1hldruay; who has taken pots- GROCERS. tcctionery trade is in. ':‘ca dug daily. mg.“ are now enjoying ' "i lung \ amnion which lasts m‘wr lst. During the my hr" run Ire proceeded with. jrmt Tauuuttny Trio of the \\‘k-.m-lumn's Association will July tint; and act M race MK mh- uf mxution for yaw " twt'utrorte mills. l (slit milk on the dollar is _ “(a ot" taxation for 1894. kli Hf rum-med seats at the «uni fur July 25:11 will be tr', ik wcck. ll , must he left. M, this office all Sis.turduy noon. The mu " must be left not late mun. u'asuMAdvertise. mi up to noon Wednesday tN " monthly market on quy attended, the far busy with haying to at- Julv 31h was» but“ " taut f ad Tik" friendly - oi Atetnt.1 /,"tSi?, evening imtheTomt M, 1terrus, the scoremuuhngl too in hm of Me. ehaniea. . 3.“ ---Mr. A. E Bteuornek student ot the Ohio Wesleyan l'nivunity. an.“ . very interesting lecture on Monday evening in the Evmgelidol church, New Hamburg. Subject: "The Man of Galilee." --Uaion Choirs' Excuruiottto Ennis next Thursday, July 19. TUketagood for two days. Coupon Ruched to ticket willadmit to afternoon concert free. Fare from Waterloo 81.45. See small bills for fun particulars. -- v A final rehearsal for tlttgeat8arnits Excursion Concert on the 19th inst. will be held in the Town Hall, Water. loo, by the Choirs of Berlin nod Wat. erloo, next Tuesday evening at. 8 o'clock. The grand choruses will be led by the Wtsterloo M. S. Band. _-Marshall Wells, Champion Bieyel- ist of Canada, H. D. McKellar, Jaa. Milne, w. Hulse, R, Hansel, and a great many other leading bicycle race men huve promised to attend and com- pete at the. Waterloo Bicycle Club" Big Race Meet on Wednesday, July 23th. - Bishop Dowling of Hamilton has made the following appointments: Dean Innssicr, tmmferred from Mac, ton to succeed Rev, Father Harden ts pastor at Cayuga and urchdeacon; Rev. Father ”Leary. harmful-red from Freelton to Mnctun. --The United . Brnthron Sunday Sqlxuul of Berlin held their annual pic- nic in the Waterloo Town Park last Friday'nfternoon. The scholars were brought up in two large open street curs and spent n. most enjoyable after- noon. The weather was cool and plen‘nnt --The contract for carpenter work on the new Lutheran parsonage has been given to Mr. C. Koelln and he commenced tearing down the old build. ing last week. The new parsonage will be a tine two-story' brick building and is expected to be fiaished about the 1st of October. -At a. meeting of the Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church, Waserloo, the following otlieers were elected '. Honor- ary Pres., Rev. W. J. Yneger; Pres., Miss Mary Kaatz; Vice-Pres, Miss Zimmerman; Seem, Miss Emma An. thes; Tram, Mr. E. Uetzel; Organist, Miss Kate Thomas; Chorister, Miss Leah Brodhecker. Albert It. Mclachlan, of Dray- ton, brother of the Rev. J, A. Me. Lachlnn, M.A., died bu Tuesday from the effects of the injuries received from the kick of II horse a. short time ago. He had just completed his thud years' course of study “the Toronto School of Medicine and was home for his holi- days; when death cut short his promis- --- ‘u 1".” II_T-‘L iiiryJiiiiiTiU' hMr. and Mrs. geuch. left on Wednesday morning to be pres- ent at the funeral. ‘ H. Orr, Toronto, Oiticial Timer, Hal. B. Donly, Simone. Secretary C. W. A. ; Dr. Doolittle, Toronto, Manager of the famous C.W.A. Century Bicycle Tours; J, G. Gould, Hamilton, VieirPreaident C. W. A.; F. H. Skerritt, Hamilton, Chief Consul C.W.A. for Niagara Dis. trict, and a great many other promi- nent wheelmen will. oifieiate at, Water. loo's Big '04 Bicycle Meet on Wednes- day, July Mth. --aresvus. It. A. Robertson, Hamil- ton, Chairman Iueiiryr. Board, George -.The new grand stand is now being erected at the Park by the Waterloo Grand Stand Co. By an arrangement _ between the Park Board and the Com- pany the Town will share in the re- ceipta. The stand will be tlt feet long and will have a seating capacity of 1000. Refreshment booths are being fitted up underneath the stand. The committee in charge of the emotion of the building have made it a point to have the stand strong and safe. It will bis completed in time for the races by Aloyes Bauer, contractor. --Cravenette ts the new waterproof- ing process which Priestly applies to dress fabrics, whether in heavy or iizht weights. It is not a rubber, wlucRi: lair tight and suffocating, nor is it thin veneer which comes " with the l wear; leaving the gnrment [dusty and shabby. It '.u abdoluusly rain proof, perfectly porous, norvodorous, talml. ing every requisite of n wuerproot,Hu1 lyet it is indistiuguisheble tri", the vuv In no """"""0'""-" gtMrte goods not proofed. Priestley's Cravenetm never changes in appear- nnce, as so may of the chemical pro- cesses cor fencedly do. See that these goods are rolled on “The Vurnished Board" which is the Westley trade mark. Street. Hominy afternoon between . summer and some of the Inger»)! Burytie Company working on the c!- meat walk, The teaastirts dog met I ma on the new walk before it but not in violation of the rules. Ono of the men hurled a non _nt him, and mother undertook'to Ptkts him (was the mmstrttryPurt? diabo'vel. Ity innit. othri1 his dttathip was usual] resented by his ma'ho landed I otetgget a up of an in: uni-int his nd an . my? ierter. l iiirtpriadd "a iririiriuau an. . 9:983:15“ the F _ P tqok pueto.n Kins Siih . teitt a I uh!- ftelat 'm tbe. or of Me. I gum 1 and mum. " mtp--'mts the, gnm Fr"---" petition at the bicycle rue- " Wi rloo.Pu-konJuly 25th. Itwillbe vretaa&stprirttht the mile novice ' 'which in open to all rider: who hae never won 3 first prize. Dam. carto.-/,1Uvirtg decided to resume my precti in Elmira, I take this oppdrtunity a thanking my pat- rons for put tatort end hope I tshall continue to merit. their support. I am having my old at: in You}: Block ttttml up still ml convenient end comfortable and e pect to be ready for practice by 20th i t. _ Swsms Erna smserast.--Mr. H. B. Duering, prog' ietor of the City Meat Market, has erected a sausage establishment of boasiderable dimen- sions on his stock tg,', north of Wat- erloo. The old bu lding is 24 x 36 feet and to this a brie addition has been built making the hole a very handy and couunodioua tstablitslunent, Mr. Duering uses their best of machinery and is putting in is sausage machine, the largest mauled costing 8250 which is supposed to ch 50 lbs. of sausage meat in five mi§utes, These large machines are dri on by steam pow; er. In the new addition he has placed a boiler of 15 hor$-power and an en- gine of 12 horse-p/twer, Hot and cold water is conveyed with hose to any part of his building so that you will find everything neat and clean and the people of Waterloo and surrounding country are assured of getting the best of sausages that can be made. Mr. Duering carries in stock a large quant- ity of sausage, cured ham and bacon l in his King street shop. PursroxSrnEn Jurrnvxv.-The pond- erous engines in the power house are now nearly all put together and’We presume in n. fewOltsys will be ready for testing, provided the smoke stack is ready. Want of brick has delayed the construction of this very necessary part of tl 0 details. The engines are twin, double expansion, geared to run single or double as required. They ere "Wheelock'" pattern and very handsome in appearance. The dyna- mo to be used is in the power house end is or will be ,very soon placed on its foundation slid geared for use The work' on tlu/bridge over the sub- way has not yet been done, but will be, we believe, all an early day. The wires ere strung to the subway and it is likely, waiting the change of bridge, the stringing will be continued M. matters are, and altered after the bridge is raised. The connections with the U.NI. are being constructed and the line is readyior use, barring A', Wires from the Grand Trunk end. he 16th may see it opened, but it looks as if it we d be later. The directors 'iitiin:iiiiii,tnds: is quiet celebration on the on of the opening --..0alt Re. porter. The third annual Choirs’ Excursion will take place next Thursday, July 19th, and promises to eclipse all previ- ous gatherings of the kind. Arrange. mental have been made with all the leading railway ', lines in Ontario to convey exeureioriUta to Sarnia on that date, and the citizens of Sarnia will do all in their power to look after the welfare and comfort of the visitors while there. " the afternoon and evening concerts have been arranged for and the grand choruses and hymns in the afternoon) will be rendered by betweeil,600 and 2,000 voices. At the evening concert there will be a competition between mixed and male choruses. Mr. Winter, the indefatig- able secretary, has spared no pains nor expense to insdre the success of the gathering. Be sure and read the small hills scattered broadcast in every city, town, village and hamlet in Western "Ontario, which will give you full par- ticulars " to rates tur., and don't for. ‘get to purchase your ticket early on i Thursday morning next and avoid the " "Summer Bolidej Number." md in ev y rupee: in e worthy representative of an populu' meaning, Summertfuhiom ere planing to the eye end will {ounQ very utiefweoryhy the” who have delayed the oomputioiof they Ttre,trt"lt,tr. tere: -.. He -3”..- -G..n, "r, v"""'""""" -. ...-.. "'"_"""" a. The pope" mi Knitting, Netting, Tat- ting croetuiiotrptisr'Wmsy; Vork gonenlly, have duo spacial Murat this month. There is in .ddmoq I suggestivg and 1etytelt on 22riafr 8pm. “dial. Of the norm nubjocu p, ith fttutp Mawr, 'Mr, con- tribum; very in this 8per on A Gir'n'n Life Ind Work oit the nivmily of Bryn Mun. nod F. E. Parish n panda! vartiiste on ?,ttgt,'.i'a sud Sunomphy " In Em- tgat.",,' for on”. Tho traieitsuthmaon mom Iemle, "Id Cups and The. Pups pm'vido at instrditttoq,itt M ragga». "tti. gm. Yef 'ftp-et.",'.',, 63%?th and the motto: vb. in ths fl "mun. - '" -'eeV -__- -- V TV _ uni M 's Article on w, Cald- vtlion of the v will be {and viUattU both by utchcu “cation Ind ,trtghtyt and tin-Ir will Tb t%li.trd tritrd' THE CHOIRS' EXCURSION. The Drunnop ter Apcmgt in yelled the wtiod in I ity oil than furor! tad grit. their 5 I an in l ml, on ad e pact! M) i t. .llrd"fe' {.WILKxxsox, D.D.S. as a; ' 't 332% i. It a. with sane d Y.O. d Mr. Alling huh itvtoliieneti' but! upon hie inane-e "ii?ilti'iE)?l,f, he' he: never diseroatimted , dur- ing properetion. Hie my rieruh, (tom Welleuley. Wilmot, Downie end Bfidgeport. will be planned to heat of " Success: Mr. A. J, Boos is halidsyingin New York City. Mrs. Isaac Cookburu, Winnipeg, 'Ire,) Snuurdsy and Sand” in town, e [not of Mr. sud Mm.W. Carytew. Miss Faust. and Miss Tillie Faust. of Zurich Ire visiting st Mrs. Anthes' of Waterloo. Mr. B. Groh of New Dundee was town on Tuesday. Miss Kate Zimmormln,‘ of town,left this morning for Napanee where she will spend her summer holidays with her sister, Mrs. Frank Roberts. Miss Marie Wegenaat has gope to spend her holidays in the Eystern States. . Mrs. A. Harvey Devitt and Mr. Devin of the Merchant: Bank, mmil. ton, are visiting among friends in town. Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Umbach of New Hamburg visited their son, Mr. Otto Umbuch, on Monday. Mrs. Crawford and daughters of Clinton were the guests of Mrs. p. S Huber of Berlin last week. Mr. A E. t'stouerntqrel who has been attending Ohio Wesley“! University of Delaware is spending his summer holidays nt home, A week ago Sun- day eveninrhe preached very accept.- ably in the Waterloo Evangelical church. A lulu" Monte Wedding on Went Third urn-l um Milt. The Daily Gazette of Xenia, Ohio, contains the following accounb of the wedding of Will .21. Cork, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cork of Waterloo, with Miss K. Frazer of that town '. One of the daintiest, prettiest home weddings that has :occurred in our midst for some time, was thot of Mr. William A. Cork and Miss Kate Fray. er, which took place last evening at the residence of Mr. A. S. Fraser, on West Third street. Preniptly at seven o'clock were heard the oft played strains of Lohengrin's beautiful wedding march, and the bride and her father took their position in front of .the double windows in the parlots, the airy curtains nearly cov- ered with sprays of myrtle And sweet peas, making 1 very charming back. ground. There they were met by the groom and his beat mm. Mr. Samuel Cork. Rev. Runse , in a most im, pressive mnnner, wig the words which joined together "tor better, for worse" these two young people, the ring cam mony being used. N * -rgipidsr "was at once served, utter which came congratulntiogs. _ The house was tastefully decorated with roses, sweetpeau and feathery as- paragus. The bride’s table was very attractive: being in pink and white. The bride, who in a. perfect blonde, wore an exceedinglylbeoomiug gown of white silk trimmed “til handsome silk Guipure lace, the Wedding veil par- tially hiding her sweet face made her an ideal bride. Her bouquet of bride’s roses and maiden hair fern was: caught by Miss Bertha Hoovon. I Miss Frezer ie the only daughter of Mr. A.S. Frazer, cashier of the First National Bank of this city, and has el- weys been most popular in her circle of friends, being noted for her eminbil- icy Ind loynlty to her friends. Many were the expression] of regret. that she should g: from nmong them to nuke her home under nether flag. Mr. Cork, who is a. Coiudinn, in I fine looking man with good business ability, holding the :eeponsxblo position of financial manager for s [urge whole- sale grocery in Toronto. A Inge numLer of the young people It the wedding went to the nation to any the lat tiiswsrtla and, incidents"), have . mm fun. Pleqty bt rice was tiled and White ribbons And Inge whip “in; ;r;3’en&.iwhich were many and "T, benugigql, wgro'not shown. r Mr. and Mo. Cork 1Mt at. 10 o'clock on the Eat bound main tor their home in Toronto, where they will " once begin housekeeping. . kinks. Linwood. For fimt clan and chap an: of clothes. call " V. R. Beeuth, . . LL,, Tdan' . t,,titgtijiiet tttlt lit'. nta'a all v- er a . . . . r. and hop an out “with“ I,'/,t'l,2 'mm. but 'ITU' “unit 0901- “All. N“ h I.“ of ' m Ms m to Buttsit Met. 'f W" "V” ...--- ""7'w" a id _ ”on 11M...” Bicycle 'Pe.., ietcid,t't'l'l"l' ttt a..." 1.; 'ltt2'lllt'teted 7 of, thid mahog- . LII ' i'i'"ii?.liGifiasiieihgtttiomr1ttthurN WOOD. tttttAtt/plete M ttttith.. m‘ a. iGtrGiLuri9r,Wy.ahet,iir lt teLr,t?,StP?L!,tge. " ....u. Cor kamer. -----_-'"""-. are .p'aced "on the " in PRICE and all musical 2tt2,'i needles for all SewingI achines and oil, uttles, partaandre sold by J, L CLEMENS ' (h, BERLIN. Ulim' Capes and A Mantles. Call and see them. SILKS and DRESS 600118 we cannot be beat. We tell that Why do yoil pay tith, for sam? goods ? Noted cheap cash store. CORSET Ladii)' WE HAVE pram. Dongola, turried, with or without tips, at $1.25, “+50. $1.75 up to $3.00. Machine sewed st 90c and $1.00. Have you seen the latest'? It is: our ."itltt,t" I ladies' gaiter, but low cut, . e an Oxford, with a. patent leather tip. Very stylish. The Prettiest Shoo in the Store is the "New York Tie" with cloth top. It must be seen to be up Voelk‘er Bros., KING 833-, - BERLIN. Importer "nil Broader J ll. CLEMENS ' 00. English, §9£1§E13§r°3 We are Leaders in G. A. Wanless, geiiiiii' Machines. Violins, Guitars, Comets. Flutes, Aeoordeona, yopth Organs, Bianca, _ _ an... Fadies.‘ " Reasonable, "White t null. "tgt-AN, I New D - " LARGE Oxfords at 39cts., ' ' Low, , _ “D "B Waterloo. {’4' INFANTS' ROBES and all home made and of the best material can be had at SPORTING -:- GOODS Tennis Goods (Balls and Rackets). Laerostse Sticks we, keep an Gnd and extensively and sell cheap. Armwwumu Hammocks and others. Fine assort- ment, Cpgngpr 93:5 giver. "_"-"" WALLIPAPERS, the Largest Stock, Cheapest in town. SW our 5c and 10c Papers, and Gina at. 20c, with Borders to watch. Clearing - Out :-: Sale Millinery Goods It is indeed a big item in your yearly expense to .kcep a big family; but see here ifyou buy these items from us you will be furnished with a better article and this "big" item diminished and your dollars in- creased. How could it be otherwise when we offcr . all kinds of H t T l d ll ill . arves 00 s an Ill mg Hardware W. H. BECKER & CO'Y, FANCY kfooios STORE, KING ST., WATERLOO W. H. Becker & Co's Bookstore. HOHMEIER & LEITCH. KING ST., BERLIN- y M w! Tm All Steal. MENTOR. _A_ CEi3TCi9- Ei- UNDERWEAR. At bottom Prices, at AWAY DOWN P GALVANIZED CHILDREN’S PINAFORES, . Steuernagel’s. " Waterloo. IKILK Home on Wurloo. Ml t I mlnuua'n ' how “with ad I: well "named on I: Lino - are: with R. Tome.» For fun 1 at tho lt up, no hon luck Hon-eon Queen ILl'ocL. near Ertt 4.. erloo, centrally loo-lad. Mammal, t I mlnuu’: walk from the Pout on. bolus col-uln- “In room's. can" kitchen I- well unwind with hard and no“ valor. on In duo - amount swan In nonmeta- m it. Toot-r. Igor!" ultr- Apply to V. ”0th "ll not no homo will bola. " a modern. “Ill. 'G-M, FOR SALE. if:

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