Governor-General Unveils Memorial To West Vancouver’s Fallen Heroes: Ceremony Witnessed by Large Humber Brilliant Uniforms of Bandsmen and Kli&ki of Soldiers Give Pleasing Touch of Color to Infprefmve Ceremony La&t Sunday Afternoon In the presence of upwards of one thousand persons, Baron Byng of Vi my, Governor General of Canada, unveiled at West Vancouver last Sunday after noon the beautiful granite memorial that will ever keep ripe iu the minds of residents of that municipality the 1 names of those who paid the supreme sacrifice during the Great War in defence of home and Etppipe. Long bo fore the time for the unveiling had ar o'clock of Baron and Lady Bvng, the party proceeded to the Memorfal Arch, whore the Governor-General inspected the guard of honor and was tendered an address of welcome by Koeve H. Ginby on behalf of the residents of West Vancouver. Following the sing ing of the hymn, “Oh God Our Help in Ages P«Jt}" and the reading oi th$ scripture lesson, the Governor-General severed the cord which brought the rived, hundreds had gathered on the j small grassy square on which the me-J mortal stands and among the large j gathering were large contingents of j school, children for whom special accommodation had been made. Brilliant !tmfforms of military contingent* and !bea«tifuj weather made for a perfect I setting for the ceremony that will be ■ long remembered and will be deeply Inscribed in the unn&h of Lift pry of the North Bhore's most westerly raunici pality. Surroun&ipg the jnomt^-ial was a guard of picked soldiers, while the small space m front of the arch was reserved for the Governor General and Lady Byog, ftnevc B, Gkby# Bishop A. -ifirfis-loftier,» Bov. A, M. O'DofcneU, H&ev,* A.” Ksrdtfif Pm«i, chaplain of ,iho G-rfJU. Veterans' J^HQc&thn, . and M**»b#r* of the West Vancouver 'wrttacil, '■ * : ,p. Os ths E.rriv&i *t BoMytmm *i I beautiful granite areh Into view of thuj large gathering. The roll of * * Tho i Heroic Dead M was then called by the j \ chaplain of the Groat War Veterans * | Association, he repeating slowly tho | names of all those of West Vancouver j ' who had paid the supreme sacrifice | during the Great War, The West Van* ! rouver Musleal Society choir then sang ' * Bo idler, Ee#L" Bishop do Penelor ! then dedicated the memorial, aftef which Baron Uy&g gave a short ad-dress in the course of which he tin4 ’ pressed upon the minds of all preseni ; that memoties and prayers were all | embodied iu & memorial iatb a# iN . one just u* ceiled. Following His ExV cellency's brief addreet, the hymn “Oh j Valiant Heart* “ wm mmg tad tU* was followed by $1* mtmbsg M ft# ! Uja Fort ttt'3 UtvelUeby tbe bstfm GOVERNOR GENERAL UNVEILS WAR MEMORIAL AS WEST VAN. (i'o&tiiiuvd from page 1) ftiui the lament by the Pipe Major • -f il»*? 72ml Highlanders Battalion. The monument h»s then clothed in wreathe and flowers and the service w ns brought to a close by the singing of “O Can &da," and **Uod Bave the King." A fine piece of masonry and of unique construction in this province, the war memorial stands about twenty feet high and L twenty four feet wide at the base. It is located in Memorial Park between Eighteenth and Nine tct?uih Htreels on Marine Drive, where it is in view of nil passers-by on the main highway through the municipality. Funds for the erection of the mono ment were secured through public sub srription, the following being in charge of the raising of the funds: Hoove 8. Gisbv, ('apt <\ J, Archer, dames 1 OUaaoti, H B, Gray, Major A. L. W. Blunders, 1>, MeTavi&U, W. B. Pollard, John Lawson, Colin Turner, J. Jeffries, H. G Mason. G. J. McLennan, Gordon Hobson Mini Councillor J T, Waft. Bun day ’# unveiling ceremony was com bio v*l with the fifth annual memorial service. The widespread interest manifested iu the unveiling ceremony resulted In the West Vancouver and North Vat? rouver ferries and the P. G. E. and bus lines coping with exceptionally heavy traffic last Bunday. Bo heavy was the traffic that it wru necessary to make a diversion at Fourteenth Street on the east and at Twentieth Hired on the west, It wn* impossible to pass on MUlJt*« LttVu piLzt- the lot u onul arch due to the large crowd, but with outside assistance the situation whs successfully coped with and not a single mishap came to light to mar the occasion. p