RECOLLECTIONS of the past in Schreiber, where two annual parades pleased the residents are contained in the accompanying article by our correspondent. Inez McCuaig. The above band is one of several which served the community, but unfortunately the practice of holding parades in the town has ceased with exception of a small parade staged by the local branch of the Legion. Thus photograph was taken back in the '30s. Shown in the band are Tom Arnot Jr., Bill Alcorn Sr., Gabe Gauthier. Albert Gauthicrf Arthur Had ley, Mr. Holmes, the bandleader; C. J. McGregor, Leonard Gauthier, Ed. O'Brien, Herb Hembruff. Not shown is Bill Scott. Seated are Jimmy Bryson, George McAteer, Henry McOhristie, John Paul Gauthier, Jim Smith, Herb Stewart, Tom Webb and Roland Gauthier. Tom Webb, now an engineer with the railway and John Paul Gauthier, a local pipefitter, are the only two who remain in the community. Photo from I. McCuaifi