Our Home Town Ours is a Town on the River's bend, Where Highways eleven and seventeen blend, At the most Northerly point on the 'Circle Route', A place for a King or a roustabout, Our Town was known in the early day, As a Trading Post of the Hudson's Bay, Where the White men came to meet the Red, And sold their goods for furs instead. For years and years it went that way, Until at last there came a day, When a need for pulpwood, fish and ore, Brought new prosperity to this shore. The Tourist trade was at its height, And all the future looked so bright, For there were Trout and Big ones too, And Moose to hunt and Caribou. Two Railroads came when times seemed best, To this Northern Point to meet the West, Where a mighty River and the Largest Lake, Are North and South of the place I spoke. A call for power to fill industry's needs, Brought the best Engineers with all their deeds, To find a place to build a Dam, And where do you think? - Twas the Falls at Cam. Of power plants we've yet but three, They serve every surrounding Community, And they serve well their timely need, Great Pulpmills, elevators and cities they feed. With rocks and hills along the Rivers shore, Till rain and snow will fall no more, Our Town will grow till time is done, You'll know this place is Nipigon Composed by E.C. Everett, Nipigon, Ontario E.C. Everett signature