Mr. Wilkinson Honored One of the most delightful functions that has ever taken place at Grimsby Park, was held at the Lake View Hotel on Friday evening last, when over one hundred residents of the Park and vicinity gathered in the spacious dining hall, to do honour to the president, W. C. Wilkinson, in the form of a birthday banquet. Mr Wilkinson has been a constant resident of Grimsby Park for the past wenty-one years. He has been on the Board of Directors for many years and has been president of the company ever since the death of the late Noah Phelps, therefore, it was with feelings of pride and pleasure, in their ability to do honour to Mr. Wilkinson, that the large crowd gathered in the Lake View Hotel on Friday night. It might be thought that at a summer resort where the ratio of ladies to men are as ten to one, that it would not be possible to keep an affair of this kind completely secret from the one who would be the central figure of the evening; But to the honour of the ladies, be it recorded that although the affair had been underwar for ten days previously and known to probably three or four hundred people, yet no inkling of it reached the ears of Mr. Wilkinson, and no more completely surprised man could be possibly imagined than he was on that occasion. Mr. St. Leger, of Toronto, was master of ceremonies, and made the arrangements, and the programme of the evening were carried out in a most pleasing and satisfactory manner. The large dining hall of the Lake View Hotel was taxed to its utmost capacity to accommodate the guests, and was beautifully decocrated for the occasion. A central figure on the head table, was an immense cake supposed to be the "birthday cake" bearing on its up per story twenty one burning wax candles which were supposed to represent the twenty one years that Mr. Wilkinson has been a summer resident at Grimsby Park, but the master of ceremonies declared that these twenty-one candles really represented the age of President Wilkinson. Our own opinion is that while President Wilkinson may have been born more than twenty one years ago, yet he only in reality began to live, when he came to reside at Grimsby Park. Mr. and Mrs Wilkinson occupied the seats of honour at the head of the chief table on either side of the toast master, Mr. St. Leger. As the honoured guests of the evening were escorted up the long dining hall to their seats, the large company rose and led by Mrs. Shaver at the piano, sang with great gusto, "For they are Jolly Good Fellows, With a Hip, Hip, Hip, Hurrah." After a half hour was spent discussing the lunch, prepared by the ever attentive Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Strawn the company leaned back in their chairs for the enjoyment of the most pleasant evening that many of them ever had spent on Grimsby Park. If the Board of Directors could by some means place before their audiences such an array of talent, in song and speech and story, in bright music and sparkling wit, as was prepared for that evening, the old temple would be far to small too accomodate the crowds that would gather nightly to hear it. The grand and sympathetic songs of Ruthven McDonald appealed to every heart. The Irish songs of Mr. Shaver, the coon songs of Mr Woodland, and the realistic portrayal of character, by Mrs. Shumaker and Miss Brock, were portions of the programme which cannot be called to mind, but with distinct feelings of pleasure; while the short snappy speeches of the toast master, the guest of teh evening, Mr. Ford, Mr. Dougherty, Mr. Chown, Mr. Mc- Gibbon, Dr. Saccomb, Mr Hurst and Mr, Burley were so full of bright crisp humor, keen repartee, and genuine good fellowship, that all who listened could not help but be enchanted. The principal toasts of the evening were "The King," the honoured guests, President Wilkinson and Mrs. Wilkinson, the "Board of Directors" and the ladies which were responded to by the several gentlemen previously mentioned. In spite of the rules of Grimsby Park that all demonstration should be over by 10:30 o'clock, the banquet was in full swing at 12:30 and even then the large company were loath to disperse. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson and their family may well feel proud and honored at the outburst of kindly feeling towards them after the many years spent at this beautiful summer resort, and we hope that they may all be spared to spend many more years at Grimsby Park.